Runtime Configuration Settings
The RuntimeConfig.xml file contains user configuration settings for Runtime and Agile Desktop. Runtime is used when you start a project in Studio and it is the application used to run deployed Studio projects. Runtime also collects the data that Workforce Intelligence analyzes and presents. These topics are covered:
General application behavior (AppSettings)
Deployment assemblies excluded (DeploymentReferences)
OpenSpan assemblies used as dynamic assembly references (CodeGeneratorReferences)
Assemblies resolved by simple name (TypeResolution)
Error log categories (LogCategories)
When you start Runtime/Agile Desktop, it makes sure a copy of the RuntimeConfig.xml file is in the location specified by the ConfigurationLocation option in the CommonConfig.xml file. If this file is missing, the system copies the RuntimeConfig.xml file from the installation directory. This usually only happens the first time you start Runtime. Keep in mind that if you have set up Runtime to connect to the Deployment Portal (formerly Management Console), the RuntimeConfig.xml file is overwritten with the RuntimeConfig.xml file on the server.
Note: The CommmonConfig.xml file contains information necessary to connect to and work with Pega Robot Manager, Pega Workforce Intelligence, and the Deployment Portal.
For ConfigurationLocation, you can enter absolute paths, environment variables, and SpecialFolders enumerated values, such as CommonApplicationData, LocalApplicationData, Documents, Personal, or Temporary. The default is ApplicationData. Here are some examples of the actual paths represented by the most commonly used variables for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 R2, and Server 2016:
ApplicationData: \Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming
CommonApplicationData: \ProgramData
LocalApplicationData: \Users\<userName>\AppData\Local
Note: If there is no RuntimeConfig.xml file in the directory you specified with the ConfigurationLocation setting, the system copies the RuntimeConfig.xml file from the installation directory. If the RuntimeConfig.xml file is also missing from the installation directory, Runtime will not start.
To use deployment package security, you must define security settings using Studio (Tools > Options > OpenSpan > Deployment and Security options). These settings are saved in the local Studio installation's RuntimeConfig.xml file.
To enable the security for independent Runtime installations, configure the DeploymentSecurity section of Runtime users RuntimeConfig.xml file. To provide an even greater level of security, add the DeploymentSecurity settings to the CommonConfig.xml file and set the CommonConfig.xml file to be read-only. For more information, see Common Configuration Settings.
Note: If the system finds DeploymentSecurity values in the CommonConfig.xml file, those values override DeploymentSecurity values found in the RuntimeConfig.xml file.
The Diagnostics are defined through the Diagnostics Configuration dialog in Runtime and Studio. If you change the settings in the RuntimeConfig.xml file, the settings in the Runtime Diagnostics dialog are overwritten. For example, if the Diagnostics Mode is set to Off in the Runtime Diagnostics dialog and you set the Mode to On in the RuntimeConfig.xml file, the next time you launch Runtime, the Mode setting will display as On.
This table describes the settings found in the RuntimeConfig.xml file:
Section |
Keys |
The settings in this section correspond to the Application Diagnostics Settings options in the Runtime Diagnostics Configuration window. To change a setting, access the Diagnostics Configuration dialog from the Runtime right-click menu. Note for Studio installations, the settings in this section correspond to the OpenSpan > Runtime Diagnostics dialog (accessed from Tools > Options). Mode — Enables Runtime diagnostics. The default is On, which enables diagnostic logging. This setting corresponds to the Mode setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Hook_Unhandled_Exception – On or Off value. Corresponds to the HookException setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is On. If set to On, this enables UnhandledExceptionHandlers for the main application domain. This feature shows the Final Curtain message if an error occurs that the system does not handle elsewhere in the code base. This also allows logging of the error to any available publisher. If this is disabled (Off) and such an error occurs, you would see a standard Microsoft window for an unhandled error and no log would occur of the error. Hook_Trace — On or Off. Corresponds to the HookTrace setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is On. If set to On, this enables a diagnostic listener to the standard .NET trace messages, so any Studio publishers will get messages routed to system.diagnostic.trace(…) and include them in their log. Hook_Debug — On or Off. Corresponds to the HookDebug setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is On. This enables a listener for standard debug messages. This setting applies to OpenSpan development use only. Trace_Level — Values 0 (none) through 4 (verbose). The default is 4. This sets a logging level using a Microsoft TraceSwitch object. The TraceLevel sets the severity level for logging messages. The options are: off, then in increasing severity- verbose, info, warning, and error. The TraceLevel only applies to the start up messages in a diagnostic log such as when a publisher is initialized and the machine information is captured (machine name, version, and so on). All other messages use the severity set in the Log Categories. For more information, see Diagnostics Configuration. |
These settings configure the email notification of Runtime exceptions. You can only configure these settings via the RuntimeConfig.xml file. Mode — Set to On to enable email notifications. When set to On, Runtime sends an email with the recorded information to those listed in the To setting when exceptions are raised. The default is Off. Subject — Text to appear in subject line. The default is Exception Information. Server — The name of email/SMTP server. The default is "" for none specified. From — The name of email sender. The default setting is "" which leaves the From line in the email blank. To — A comma-separated list of exception notice recipients. The default is "" which leaves the To line in the email blank. |
File Publisher mode The File Publisher settings configure writing diagnostic messages to a file. Mode — Set to On to enable writing diagnostics to a file. This setting corresponds to the Mode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is Off. Trace_mode — This setting corresponds to the TraceMode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. When set to On the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from a System.Diagnostic.Trace source. Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Trace setting. The default is On. Exception_mode — This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly — Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with file publisher process. The default is OpenSpan. Type — Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with the file publisher process. The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.FilePublisher. FileName — Configure this setting to the name of the file for the file publisher to use in writing diagnostic messages. The default is RuntimeLog.txt. The default location of this file is the Runtime installation folder. You can change the location by using the ConfigurationFileDirectory setting in the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe.config file. For more information, see Configuration Files Location. FilesToKeep — This setting configures the number of output files Runtime retains. If set to 1, each time Runtime is restarted, the output file is overwritten. To save diagnostics files for multiple Runtime sessions, increase this setting. For example, if set to 5, Runtime will save diagnostics files for five sessions. The file names are appended with a number indicating the session, for example, StudioLog1.txt, StudioLog2.txt and so on. The information from the most recent session is stored in the file appended with 1. The higher the number appended to the file name, the older the session. The default is one (1). InitMode — Do not change this setting. The default is ClearLog.
SuperTrace Publisher The SuperTrace Publisher settings configure creating SuperTrace diagnostic messages. To use SuperTrace, you must set the Mode for the SuperTrace Publisher to On under Studio and/or Runtime Diagnostics. Additional SuperTrace configuration settings are in the openspan.ini file. If enabled, the system writes SuperTrace logs to the application working directory (such as C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\SuperTraceLogs. To view SuperTrace messages, use the Log Viewer application. You can launch the Log Viewer from Studio by choosing Tools > Log Viewer. When using Runtime, launch the Log Viewer application from the Runtime installation folder. Mode — Set to On to activate the SuperTrace publisher. The default is Off. Trace_mode — This setting corresponds to the TraceMode setting for SuperTrace Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. AutUsers — Use this key in the SuperTrace section to enable SuperTrace for a particular user or users. Simply add a comma-delimited list of user logon names in this key. When set to On the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from a System.Diagnostic.Trace source. Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Trace setting. The default is On. Exception_mode — This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode setting for SuperTrace Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly — Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. The default is OpenSpan. Type — Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process. The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.SuperTracePublisher. FileName — The default is STDiagnosticLog.txt. Configure this setting to the name of the file for SuperTrace publisher to use in writing diagnostic messages. The default location of this file is in the SuperTraceLogs folder within the Runtime installation folder. TxtOutput — Set to On to create a text (.txt) file of the SuperTrace information. The default is Off. XmlOutput — When On, the system creates an XML file of the diagnostic information. The XML file can only be opened with the LogViewer application. The default is On. DeleteLogs — The default is On, which tells the system to delete the OpenSpanLog binary files after they have been converted into an XML file. LogProcessorProgress — The default is On, which tells the system to process the binary files and convert them into the required XML file. LogProcessor — The default is On, which tells the system to enable the processing of the binary files.
Trace PublisherThe Trace Publisher settings configure creating Trace diagnostic messages. For more information, see Tracing Options. OutputWindow Publisher The OutputWindow Publisher settings configure displaying diagnostic messages in Runtime's Output window. Mode — When On, messages are displayed to the Output window. This setting corresponds to the Mode for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is Off. Trace_mode — This setting corresponds to the TraceMode for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. When set to On the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from a System.Diagnostic.Trace source. Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Trace setting. The default is On. Exception_mode — This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly — The default is OpenSpan. Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. Type — Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process. The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.OutputWindowPublisher.
Log4Net Publisher The Log4Net diagnostics publisher lets you...
You have the following options. Mode — On or Off. The default is On, which enables logging. Trace_Mode — On or Off. The default is On, which logs trace information. This setting corresponds to the TraceMode option for Log4Net Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Exception_Mode — On or Off. The default is On, which includes exception logging. This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode option for Log4Net Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Assembly — Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. The default is OpenSpan. Type — Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process. The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.OutputWindowPublisher. Appender — Do not modify the Name, Type, File Type, and Value settings. These settings define Log4Net logging. appendToFile — Set to True if you want new information appended to the existing file. The default is False, which creates a new file. rollingStyle — Specifies when to begin writing to a new log file. This can be based on size (using the maximumFileSize parameter) or date or both. The default is Size, which means log files only store a certain amount of data before starting a new log file. maximumFileSize — Specifies the maximum size for each log file the system creates. For instance, you could enter 10MB. maxSizeRollBackups — Specifies the maximum number of rolling backup files to retain. For instance, if you enter three (3), you get files named filename.1, filename.2, and filename.3. staticLogFileName — Indicates whether the system should always log to the same file (name) and makes sure the current log file will always be named what is specified in the file name parameter. The default is True. lockingModel — Specifies how the log file is locked. The default is Minimal Lock, which lets multiple applications (appenders) have write access to the file when no other application is currently logging. layout — Specifies how the data is written to the log file. The default is Pattern Layout. Do not change this setting. The Conversion Pattern sub-tag defines the first three columns in the log file: (1) logging level (2) date & time Stamp (3) thread name. You can delete any of these first three columns or change the order in which they appear. |
To collect high-level event data, set the HighLevelEvents key in the RuntimeConfig.xml file. Here is an example: <HighLevelEvents disabled="true" captureEvents="true" secondsForIdle="60 0" secondsForIdlePrompt="600" secondsForWebPageLoadThreshold="2" sendStartEvents="true" secondsForIdleHeartbeat="300" secondsForWaitTimeThreshold="2" uiProcessesOnly="true" ignoreRuntimeProcess=" true" useEventHost="true" autoRestartEventHost="true" eventHostShutdownTimeout="1000" limitData="true
"> The parameters for the key are: disabled — Completely turns off the High-level Events service. This means, for instance, that EventHost is not created. This differs from the captureEvents parameter which only stops the processing of high-level events. The default is True. captureEvents — Set to True to enable the capture of high level events. secondsForIdle — Enter the number of seconds of inactivity before the user’s computer is considered to be in an idle state. The default is 600 seconds, or 10 minutes. secondsForIdlePrompt — Enter the number of seconds of inactivity before the user is prompted to enter a reason on the Off Computer Time window. The default is 600 seconds, or 10 minutes. Your entry should be greater than or equal to your entry for the secondsForIdle key. If it is not, then the system instead uses your entry in the secondsForIdle key. secondsForWebPageLoadThreshold — Enter the load time threshold for loading each webpage. For example, if you set this threshold to five seconds and it takes seven seconds to load a webpage, Runtime issues a WebPageLoad event after five seconds and tracks this wait time interval. The default is 2 seconds. sendStartEvents — The default, True, tells the system to send the AppGotFocus, FormGotFocus, and PageGotFocus start events. These events correspond to the AppLostFocus, FormLostFocus, and PageLostFocus events. If you have Runtime set to send the GotFocus events, Workforce Intelligence can use this information to determine the application and screen that was in focus when a LostFocus event was not sent. For example, a LostFocus event might not be sent in these circumstances:
A user’s application/screen hours, score, and timeline view will be more accurate if the sendStartEvents key is set to True. secondsForIdleHeartbeat — Once an idle event has been raised, a periodic idle heartbeat event is sent to confirm that the process is still idle. The system uses the result to distinguish between the computer being idle and the computer bring turned off, network outage, and so on. Use this key to enter the number of seconds between heartbeats. The default is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. If your entry is greater than your entry for the secondsForIdlePrompt key, this event is not sent. You can enter zero (0) to prevent the system from sending the event. secondsForWaitTimeThreshold — Enter the wait time threshold for all processes. For example, if you set this threshold to five seconds and the process becomes unresponsive, Runtime issues a ProcessWait event after five seconds and tracks this wait time interval. The default is 2 seconds. uiProcessesOnly — If True, ProcessCreated and ProcessDestroyed will only be reported for processes with a main window handle. ignoreRuntimeProcess — If True, Runtime application events are not monitored. useEventHost — If True, mouse and keyboard events are collected in the EventHost process. The default is True. autoRestartEventHost — If True and Runtime is active, the EventHost is automatically restarted if it was shut down for any reason. The default is True. eventHostShutdownTimeout — Enter the number of milliseconds you want Runtime to wait for EventHost to shut down on its own before killing the process. The default is 1000. limitData — Set to True to limit the event metadata sent that might contain sensitive data such as the window's title and the browser's URL. The default is True. (event type) enabled — For each of the event types listed, such as AppFocusEvents or FormFocusEvents, the default, true, tells the system to collect high-level event data for the events. When set to False, these types of events are not reported. WaitTimeEvents — The default, True, tells the system to capture wait time information. This information is sent to Pega Workforce Intelligence where it is analyzed and reported. After you use this key to enable the capture of wait time information, use the secondsForWaitTimeThreshold and secondsForWebPageLoadThreshold keys to specify the thresholds that Runtime uses to determine how much information is sent to Workforce Intelligence. Workforce Intelligence uses the ProductVersion and UserEmail metadata fields to track the version of Runtime that individual users are using and also to match the user’s email address to the network ID for identification purposes in environments where multiple users share a network ID. |
These events are used by Deployment Portal to track how Runtime is being used. UsageStatistics.Enabled — Indicates if the Automation and Activity Usage statistics event should be sent. Set this key to True to accumulate data for the Automation and Activity Usage report. The default is false. UsageStatistics.PublishInterval — Specifies the number of minutes between usage events. This setting is used when accumulating data for both the Automation and Activity Usage and Health reports. The default is 60. Note: To accumulate the data that Deployment Portal needs to populate the Automation and Activity Usage and Health reports, the users you have set up in Deployment Portal must be running version 8.0.1024 or later. HealthStatistics.Enabled — Indicates if information should be gathered about how users use Runtime and the various automations. This information is displayed on the Health Report available in Deployment Portal if you enable it here and in the EventConsumers section. See the EventConsumer section for more information. The Health report includes this information:
For more information about the Deployment Portal reports, see the Deployment Portal User Guide. The default is False. Here is an example: <OperationalEvents enabled="false"> |
Use this section to specify settings for integration with the Pega Platform application. Typically, these settings are created during the installation process. In addition, these tasks are completed by the Setup wizard:
Keep in mind the following information:
Note: For information on enabling Robotic Process Automation (RPA) settings and defining the workgroup for RPA robots, see Common Configuration Settings. Here is a summary of the Robotics settings. Do not change these settings except when directed to do so by Pega Support. LocalApiService enabled — This tag is only applicable for Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) implementations. Set to True if you want Runtime to self host a REST service which will accept requests from the Pega application. The default is False. SSL — Set to True if you want the service to use SSL and access SSL using HTTPS. The default is True. port — Enter the port to which the service will listen. The default is 9443. allowedOrigins — Enter a comma-delimited list of domains from which you want the service to accept requests. You can enter specific domains or use wild cards. Here are some examples: Note: The system only accepts requests from domains you include in the allowedOrigins list. All other requests are rejected. JWTSecurity — Set to True if you want to enhance security by requiring that signed JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are sent with every RDA request to Runtime. The default is False. Pega Robotic Automation uses Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to handle requests for resources from another domain. To use CORS, you add the Pega domain to the allowedOrigins list. The JWTSecurity option lets you include an additional level of security to prevent a browser session from spoofing its domain and invoking automations from a malicious website. With JWTSecurity enabled, Runtime requests the public key from the Pega server and then uses that key to validate incoming invocation requests. When you enable JWTSecurity, the system adds a token to the header of all invocation requests sent from the local Pega browser to the Runtime REST (REpresentational State Transfer) API service. PegaServerURL — If you set the JWTSecurity key to True, enter the URL you want the system to use to retrieve the JWT public profile key. The system then uses this key to validate RDA requests. PackageServer baseUrl — Enter the URL of the file server used to connect Runtime to the PackageServer. The system uses this URL to download packages for Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) systems. Here is an RDA example: <LocalApiService enabled="true" SSL="true" port="9443" allowedOrigins="*" JWTSecurity="false" PegaServerURL=""/> |
Use this section to specify the signature validation required for deployment packages. The system first searches for these values in the CommonConfig.xml file. If they are not found in the CommonConfig.xml file, the system uses the values you enter in the RuntimeConfig.xml file. Note: You must manually add these options to the CommonConfig.xml file if you want the system to get the values from that file. signatureCheck — Specifies the type of validation to perform. The default is None. You can choose from these options:
ApprovedCertificates — List the authorized certificates in the following format: <Certificate storeLocation="" storeName="" subject="" /> Here is an example: <Certificate storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="Root" subject="CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US"/> |
ContextResponseTimeout — Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, a context will wait for a response from a remote context. The default is 35000. StartupProject — Sets a project to automatically load when Runtime is launched. To have a deployed project automatically load, enter the name (including path) of the deployment package. The files from the package are extracted to the DeploymentExtractDirectory (if the DeploymentSavetoDisk setting is True). SingleCopy — When set to True, only one instance of Runtime can be run on a desktop. Set to False to enable multiple instances of Runtime to run. The default is True. CanRunMultiplePackages — Set this key to True if you want Runtime to load all of the packages assigned in the Deployment Portal. The default is False. If this key is set to False and multiple packages are assigned in the Deployment Portal, the user is prompted to specify which package to load. SecondaryAppDomain — Set to this key to True to enable complete unloading of the dynamic assemblies between project loads. When set to False and the changes made are to projects that affect the associated DLLs, such as scripts or services, you must stop Runtime and restart to have the changes applied. The default is False. ShowSystemTrayIcon — When set to True, the Runtime Icon displays in the startup tray. If set to False, it does not appear. The default is True. ShowSystemTrayIconHotKey — This setting defines a key or keystroke sequence to show the Runtime icon in the tray. This value does not apply if the ShowSystemTrayIcon value is set to True. The default is Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Windows+O. TrayIconFileName — Sets the file used for the tray icon. Specify the file name only. The System Application and User Documents folder is used as the path to the file. Leave blank to use the default icon. IgnoreRuntimeDeserializationErrors — Set to True to suppress Runtime errors. If deserialization errors are detected, the continue/yes/no/cancel dialog displays if this setting is False. The default is False. DeploymentPackageExtension — This setting determines the extension Runtime looks for on deployment package files. The default is .Openspan. DeploymentManifestExtension — This setting determines the extension Runtime looks for on manifest files. The default is .manifest. DeploymentSaveToDisk — This setting determines whether the project files are stored on the disk after deployment extraction or run from memory. If set to True, the project files are stored. If set to False, the project is run from memory. The default is True. DeploymentExtractDirectory — This setting determines the directory to which the files contained in a selected deployment package are extracted. Your options are:
DeploymentExcludeExtractPatterns — Here you can enter a list of file name patterns to tell Studio which files to exclude during a deployment. Any deployment file that matches a regex pattern in this list will not be extracted by Runtime. The default entries in the list are: OpenSpan.Translators.*.dll and OpenSpan.Adapters.*.dll. DeploymentExtractDirectory — Specify the extract directory you want to use during deployments. You can specify the directory using these formats:
AllowRunWithNoPackage — Setting this key to True allows Runtime to run without a package. When set to True, Runtime will start with no notification, which means you will not see the message that tells you no packages are assigned. AllowRunOffline — Determines how Runtime behaves when server connectivity fails. You have the following options:
DisplayConnectionStatus — Use this key to control whether the Connecting to Server prompt displays in Runtime. The default is True. LogSoapExtension — When set to True, the logging function for Request and Response Messages for the WebService and ServiceClient components are activated. The default is False. DesignComponentStopTimeout — Defines how long Runtime waits before it times out when a design component has stopped. The default is 5000 milliseconds (five seconds). SuppressNotifications — Determines whether Runtime suppresses messages to the notification service. If set to True, adapter exceptions are logged but not shown to the user. The default is False. SuppressAdapterExceptions — The default is False. When set to False, the exceptions raised by adapters will be shown to the user. The user may then choose whether to stop Runtime or continue running. When True, adapter exceptions are logged but not shown to the user. SuppressFileAccessNotifications — The default is False. When set to False, file access permission errors with manifest files are displayed. MRU — The default is True, which enables Most Recently Used file names to appear in the Runtime system tray menu. WinHillapiHostLoggingEnabled — Use this key to ndicate whether WinHllapiHostLog is enabled. The default is False. jmap — (Required for Java dumps.) Enter the full path to the jmap utility (jmap.exe). This utility is part of the JDK 1.6 package. This process captures memory dumps of Java processes. Here is an example: "jmap" value="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\bin\jmap.exe Note: Because the jmap utility can sometimes hang, be sure to set the maxwait parameter when capturing Java dumps. Use this key to specify the location of Java console output directory. The default is: %APPDATA%\Sun\Java\Deployment\log. Here is an example: javaconsolepath — Use this key to specify the location of Java console output directory. The default is: %APPDATA%\Sun\Java\Deployment\log. mode — Use this key to tell OSDump what sort of dumps to grab and how to find the correct processes to gather dumps from. You can choose from these mode options:
The default is hang. pid — If you set the mode to crash, use this key to specify the process ID (PID) of the process for which you want to capture a memory dump. To find the PID of a process choose Task Manager > View > Select Columns > Check PID (Process Identifier), then find your process and its PID. If you set the mode to hang or log, the utility ignores this option. Note: To specify a process name instead of a process ID, use the dumpproc key. email — Use this key to specify the email address you want to send the dumps to. When you specify this key, OSDump opens the default email client, creates an email with the specified mailto address, and sets the Subject line to: OSDump created for user <abc> on machine <xyz> The user and machine information are pulled from the user's machine. You can then add any additional information, attach the appropriate files, and send the email. osdir — Use this key to specify the directory that contains any Runtime/Studio logs that you would like to gather. This is also where OSDump will write out all files to. You must specify this directory if it differs from the default. If not specified, OSDump searches for OpenSpan Studio for Visual Studio 2015 in My Documents and Common Application Data. stdir — Use this key to specify the directory from where SuperTrace logs are gathered. OSDump collects these logs and includes them in the ZIP file it creates. If you include this parameter, make sure the directory you specify exists. dumprt — Use this key to tell OSDump to collect dumps from any OpenSpan.Runtime process currently running. The default is True. dumpst — Set this key to True to tell OSDump to collect dumps from any Studio process currently running. The default is False. dumpproc — Include this key to tell OSDump to capture dumps of the processes you specify in a semicolon-delimited list. Here is an example: "dumpproc" value="iexplore;notepad;calc" Note: To specify a process ID (PID) instead of a process name, use the pid key. maxwait — Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for a particular dump to be created. This is useful when collecting Java dumps because the jmap program can sometimes stop when creating dumps. If the time limit is reached, the dumping processes is cancelled and the utility attempts to continue. For example, you could set this parameter to 60000 to tell OSDump to wait for 60 seconds before killing the Java process and continuing. The default is 180000 (three minutes). Note: Do not set this key to zero (0) unless you want OSDump to wait indefinitely. pauseonexit — Set to True to tell the utility to wait for user input upon exit. The default is False. includedir — Use this key to tell OSDump to copy all files located in this semicolon-delimited list of directories into the temp directory for zipping. Here is an example: "includedir" value="C:\Documents and Settings\(UserName)\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\Projects\(ProjectName)" You could use this, for example, to include project files in the .zip file OSDump creates. ShowExitingRuntime — This key determines whether you see an alert when Runtime exits because of a server connection error. The default is True. You can set this key to False to handle these situations in which you do not want to see an alert:
OfficeVersion — If your Studio solutions connect with Microsoft Office, be sure to specify the version of Office you using this key. Your entry tells the system which Studio Office DLL files to use with this Runtime implementation. You can choose from None, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2016. The default is None. Note: If you do not specify a version of Office, Updater will remove the Office DLL files from the Runtime installation folder when you run Updater. ShowExitingRuntime — Use this key to display an alert message when Runtime exits because of a server connection error. The default is True. IgnoreProcesses — Use this key to list the processes you want Studio and Runtime/Agile Desktop to ignore. Note: Separate each process with a comma. The list of process names is case insensitive. EnableRemoteDebugging — This key is not included in the default RuntimeConfig.xml file, but you can add it and set it to True to enable the Attach to Process functionality. For more information, see Attach to Process. |
Use these options to specify the menu items that appear when a Runtime user right-clicks on the Runtime icon in the system tray. You can choose from these menu items:
Use this syntax for each item: <MenuItem item="ItemName" label="ItemLabel" show="True/False" /> Where label shows the text you want to appear on the menu. If you want a letter to serve as mnemonic, preface that letter with an ampersand (&) Use the show attribute to indicate whether to show the item on the menu. Note: The order in which you list these items determines the order in which they appear on the menu. Here is an example: <RuntimeTrayMenu> |
Use these options to specify the configuration options for the Assisted Sign-On component: ShowDialogOnStart — Indicates if the Enter Credentials window should automatically be shown when Runtime starts. The default is True. StorePassword — Indicates if passwords should be saved to disk when credentials are saved. The default is True. FileLocation — Specifies the path in which you want to store the ASO.db file. The default is "ApplicationData". Here is an example: <AssistedSignOn> |
Use these options to specify the configuration options for the Start My Day component: AllowLocalApplications — Indicates whether Runtime users can add local executable programs (.exes) or web applications (URLs) as Start My Day applications. The default is True. ShowPathColumn — Indicates whether the Path column is displayed on the Start My Day grid. The default is True. <StartMyDay> |
Use the OffComputerTime and ExpectedWorkHours keys prompt the Runtime/Agile Desktop user to provide information to Workforce Intelligence. <IntelligenceOptions enabled="false"> enabled — Set to True to record expected work hours. The default is False. DeductLunch — Set to True if you want Workforce Intelligence to deduct the amount of time expected for lunch from the total expected hours for that day. Enter False if you do not. For example, some companies consider an 8-hour work day to be from 8:00 to 5:00, which spans nine hours but includes a one-hour lunch. If this is similar to your company, enter True. Other companies consider an 8-hour day to be from 9:00 to 5:00, which also includes an hour for lunch. If this is similar to your company, enter False. ReasonCodes — This is a comma-delimited list of Off-computer Reason codes for use with Workforce Intelligence. These codes appear if the Workforce Intelligence server is not able to provide the reason codes for the Off Computer Time window. |
Use these options to specify the configuration options for the Agile Desktop toolbar. Url — Specify the location of the Agile Desktop UI and plug-in files. This folder contains the files that control the Agile Desktop interface, including .css, html, and JavaScript files. The default is your OpenSpan program folder. You can enter a local folder or a URL. Here is an example for use with Studio: <Url value="\AgileDesktop"/> Here is an example for use with Runtime/Agile Desktop: <Url value="C:\Source\studio-runtime-6-x\bin\Debug\AgileDesktop"/> LogoUrl — Specify the location of the image file you want to display in Agile Desktop toolbar. Typically, this will be a company logo. You can specify a local file location or URL. Here are some examples: <LogoUrl value="http://logo.png"/> UserCanHide — Enter False if you want to prevent the user from collapsing the toolbar to the left side of the desktop. The default is True. UserCanExit — Enter False if you want to prevent the user from exiting the toolbar from the gear menu. The default is True. TopMost — Enter False if you do not want the toolbar to stay on top of other focused applications. The default is True. ReadUITimeout — The number of milliseconds to attempt to read the UI index.dat file before timing out. The default is 10000 AccentColor — Specify the accent color you want to use in the toolbar user interface. You can choose from any of the HTML color codes. You can enter text values, such as Green or LightBlue, or hex values, such as #00800 or #ADD8E6. This chart shows common colors: The default is #3CB3D1 (blue). Note: Agile Desktop also uses shades of the accent color you choose for various elements in its user interface. ViewType — Use this key to define the initial toolbars view. You can choose from normal, slim, normal_only, and slim_only. If you choose normal or slim, the user can resize the toolbar after it initially is displayed. CustomImagePath — Use this key to specify the path to custom images used in the 360AppBar plug-in’s Images section. Here is an example: <ViewType value=”normal_only”/> Normally, when you want to include a custom image in the 360AppBar Image section, you would add the image to the startup automation project as misc files and specify the image name in Interaction.xml file. Alternatively, you can put all of the custom image files in a folder and specify that folder’s path as the value to CustomImagePath key. |
Behavior value — Use this key to specify if Robotic Automation Runtime should wait until all automations finish before terminating. Choose from the following options:
The following example shows the default: <Behavior value="Immediate"/> Note: When you use Robot Manager 6 and later, the Runtime robot receives Stop commands from Robot Manager. Runtime always finishes its current work assignment before shutting down, but if you set Behavior value to Immediate, automations that are designed to shut down the system might not complete before Runtime is stopped. Therefore, when using Robot Manager 6 and later, you typically set this key to WaitForAutomations. |
Use the keys in this section to define how Runtime events are consumed. There are two consumers:
<consumer enabled="true" assembly="OpenSpan.Runtime.Analytics" type="OpenSpan.Runtime.Analytics.AnalyticsConsumer" batchSize="10" sendFailuresBeforeWaiting="3" waitForRetryTime="60000" eventSource="" serializationVersion="2.0" testUser="false">
<consumer enabled="true" assembly="OpenSpanEvents" type="OpenSpan.Events.OperationalEventConsumer" sendFailuresBeforeWaiting="3" waitForRetryTime="60000" eventSources="Operational"> Note: You must also enable the OperationalEvents consumer and the HealthStatistics option in the OperationalEvents section to gather information for the Deployment Portal reports. For more information, see OperationalEvents. consumer – Use this key to define and enable an event consumer. The system supports multiple consumers and examples are shown below. You have the following options. enabled — Set to True if you want to load this consumer. The default is False. assembly — Enter the name of the assembly in which the consumer type is defined. The defaults are shown here:
type — Enter the full type name, including the namespace, of the consumer class. The defaults are shown here:
batchSize — (Workforce Intelligence only) Specify the number of events you want included in a batch, which will be sent to the consumer to process. The default is 10. sendFailuresBeforeWaiting — Specify the number of times the Send process can consecutively fail before the consumer goes into wait mode before trying to send again. The default is 3. You define the duration of the wait period using the waitForRetryTime option. waitForRetryTime — Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, you want the system to wait before it tries to send again after the failure limit you specified in the sendFailuresBeforeWaiting option is reached. The default is 60000 (one minute). eventSource — (Workforce Intelligence only) Specify the source of the event. serializationVersion — Indicate which serialization version you want the system to use. If omitted, the system uses the latest version. testUser — (Workforce Intelligence only) Set to True if you want all screen data to be captured for applications and websites that have been configured by the Workforce Intelligence administrator. The default is False. See the Workforce Intelligence Administration Guide for more information. HttpSettings — This class has the following properties: url — (Workforce Intelligence only) Specify the address of the event ingestion service. keepAlive — Set to True if you want the system to try to reconnect if the connection is lost. The default is False. timeout — Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, you want the system to wait before a post event times out. The default is 5000 milliseconds. RegexRules — (Workforce Intelligence only) Use these options to list and define the data masking rules you want applied to event data. For instance, you can specify rules to mask sensitive data and perform other tasks. enabled — The default is True. Accept the default if you want the system to apply the regex rules you define. description — Use this option to specify the name of the rule and its parameters. pattern — Use this option to specify the text to look for. replacement — Use this option to specify the text to use when replacing the text in specified in the pattern key. eventNames — Enter a comma-delimited list of the events you want the system to inspect to determine if the regex rules should be applied. These rules can find application screens or webpages that contain, start with, or do not start with text you specify using this key and the fieldNames key. fieldNames — Enter a comma-delimited list of the fields you want the system to inspect to determine if the regex rules should be applied. These rules can find application screens or webpages that contain, start with, or do not start with text you specify using this key and the eventNames key. For instance, if...
The criteria you specify is applied to all applications and websites for which you have enabled the capture of data. See the Workforce Intelligence Administration Guide for more information. enabled — The default is True. Accept the default if you want the system to apply this rule. Here is an example of the SSN masking rule which masks the numbers in a Social Security number, replacing them with Xs: "SSN masking" pattern="\d{3}(\s|\-)?\d{2}(\s|\-)?\d{4}" replacement="xxx-xx-xxxx" enabled="true"/> Here is an example of the CCN masking rule which masks the numbers in a credit card number, replacing them with Xs: "CCN masking" pattern="(^(4|5)\d{3}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}|(4|5)\d{15})|(^(6011)-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}|(6011)-?\d{12})|(^((3\d{3}))-\d{6}-\d{5}|^((3\d{14})))" replacement="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" enabled="true"/> CacheProvider — Defines what class is responsible for providing caching to this consumer. Keep in mind that caching is optional. enabled — Set to True if you want to load the CacheProvider. assembly — Specify the name of the assembly in which the CacheProvider type is defined. The default is OpenSpan.Events. type — Enter the full type name, including the namespace, of the CacheProvider class. The default is OpenSpan.Events.SQLiteCacheProvider. encrypt — Set to True if you want event data to be encrypted before it is cached. The default is False. waitWhenEmpty — Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, you want the system to wait before checking the cache's contents again if the cache is currently empty. The default is 60000 (one minute). waitOnError — Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, you want the system to wait before attempting to send the events in the cache if there was a Send failure. The default is 60000 (one minute). throttleTime — Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, you want the system to wait between sending batches. You can use this option to throttle down the rate of cache processing. The default is zero (0). dbLocation — (SQLiteCacheProvider only) Specify the location where the database file should be stored. You can enter an absolute path, a special folder, or an environment variable. The default is LocalApplicationData. dbName — (SQLiteCacheProvider only) Specify the database file name. Cache providers cannot share a database file, so the database name you enter must be unique for all event consumers. The default is EventCache.db. maxSize — (SQLiteCacheProvider only) Specify the maximum size, in bytes, of the database file. When the limit you specify is reached, the system removes the oldest events. The default is 20,971,520. Here is an example: <cacheProvider enabled="true" assembly="OpenSpan.Events" type="OpenSpan.Events.SQLiteCacheProvider" encrypt="false" waitWhenEmpty="60000" waitOnError="60000" throttleTime="0" dbLocation="LocalApplicationData" dbName="EventCache.db" maxSize="20971520"/> |
Do not change the information in this section. This section lists the assemblies omitted from the deployment. |
Do not change the information in this section. These settings list the OpenSpan assemblies used as dynamic assembly references. |
Do not change the information in this section. These settings list the assemblies resolved by simple names. |
Do not change the information in this section. These settings list the descriptors used by Pega Robotic Automation Runtime. |
Note: Robotic Automation 8.0.2003 and later does not include support for Pega Robotic Automation Updater. The Branch and Repos tags are where you specify what version of the system to apply when Updater is launched and what repository that version is stored in. You can define multiple repositories, so these repositories can be downloaded before a switch occurs. This will help minimize any delay when downloading and installing a patch or new version. Here are descriptions of the various keys you can modify: (Branch) repoNickName/name — This key specifies the repository that contains the version you want to apply. This must match the name of one of the repositories defined within the Repos tag. The value of the Branch tag is the version you want to apply. If this version does not exist in the specified repository, the update will fail. Changing this name forces the creation of a new repository and all stored versions will be downloaded on the next fetch. (Repos) nickName — The nickName key must match the repoNickName in the Branch tag. (Repos) url — Specifies the URL where Updater can reach the repository that is hosted to get updates. (Git) Timeouts sshTimeout/FetchTimeout — The interval, in milliseconds, to wait between output before ending a process (for performing fetch operations). A hang can occur up to this timeout interval due to missing SSH key or known_hosts file. The default is zero (0). (Git) Proxy url — The URL you enter here is used if HTTP traffic is routed through a proxy server. (PrePost) Timeouts stopServicesTimeout — The interval, in milliseconds, to wait before reporting that the service could not be stopped. The default is 10000. (PrePost) startServicesTimeout — The interval, in milliseconds, to wait before reporting that the service could not be started. The default is 10000. (RuntimeLauncher) showProgress — Set to True to show the progress window during the update process. The default is False. (RuntimeLauncher) showBlockingProgress — Enter False to hide the display the processes which are preventing the update. The default is True. (RuntimeLauncher) showNotLaunchingRuntime — Set to True to display a message if Runtime cannot be launched because of a failed update. See also launchRuntimeOnFailedUpdate. The default is True. (UpdateProcedure) downloadOnStart — Set to True if you want to force the downloading of updates, when necessary, before launching Runtime. If there is no update to download, the current version of Runtime is launched. The default is False. (UpdateProcedure) launchRuntimeOnFailedUpdate — Enter False if you do not want the system to launch the target (Runtime) if there is an error during the update process. The default is True. (UpdateProcedure) KeepModifiedOnSameBranch — Set to True to keep test DLL files and to only update when the branch is changing. The default is False. (UpdateProcedure) downloadOnNewRepo — Set to True if you want to only force the downloading updates when the repository differs from the repository you currently have checked out. The downloading would occur before Runtime is launched. The default is False. Note: Setting the downloadOnStart option to True supersedes your entry for this option. (LaunchTarget) path — Enter the absolute path to the executable file. The default is OpenSpan.Runtime.exe. You can use this key to specify an application other than Runtime to launch, such as Agile Desktop. To launch Agile Desktop, enter the absolute path to the OpenSpan.AgileDesktop.exe file. Here is an example: path=”C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Runtime Enterprise\OpenSpan.AgileDesktop.exe” Another use for this key is if you have a custom solution that uses OpenSpan .dll files and you do not launch Runtime directly, you should enter the path to the custom executable to override the launch target. (LaunchTarget) arguments — Any arguments you enter are passed to the executable you are launching, unless overridden by arguments supplied to the RuntimeLauncher. (UserHelper) minutesBeforeExpirationToReauthenticate — Specify the interval, in minutes, the system should wait before the current session expires to re-authenticate. The default is two (2) minutes. (UserHelper) minutesBetweenAuthenticationReattempts — Specify the interval, in minutes, the system should wait before it tries to re-authenticate after an authentication failure. The default is 10 minutes. (log4net) maxSizeRollBackups value — Specify the maximum number of rolled over backup log files you want to keep. The default is five (5). (log4net) maximumFileSize value — Specify the maximum size a log file can attain before the system rolls it over into new file. The default is 2mb. LogCategories These keys define how you want logging configured for Updater. name — You can choose from these logging categories:
The default is the Default category, which defines the log level used by all logging categories not specified in the list. logLevel — The number you enter indicates the level of information you want to log: 0 = no information is logged 1 = only errors are logged 2 = errors and warnings are logged 3 = errors, warnings, and informational messages are logged 4 = errors, warnings, informational messages and verbose debugging output are logged Typically, you would set this key to three (3). In some situations, Support may ask you to set it to four (4). For more information, see the Pega Robotic Automation Updater Implementation Guide. |
Use the PostUpdateTasks section to specify the tasks you want to run after a successful update. At least one of the newly added or modified files must match the pattern you specify via the pattern attribute. Note: This section was added to the RuntimeConfig.xml file in build 7.1.70. The options are set up specifically for the Chrome and Firefox extension installers. Normally, you would not make changes to these options, except to enable or disable tasks. nickName — (Optional) Enter a nickname for the task. This name is to help you identify the task and locate it in log files. enabled — Set to True if you want the system to run the task. The default is False. pattern — Enter the regex pattern you want the system to use to search for the newly added or modified file. The system ignores case. The entry must be a valid regular expression with the appropriate characters escaped correctly. Note that this differs from a filespec. For example, Updater creates a list of all of the files that are added or modified during an update. This list contains the relative path and file name of the file, as shown here: BrowserExtensions\FireFox\\components\OpenSpan.ExtensionTranslater.js You could, for instance, specify the pattern criteria to run the installer if the system finds any file in the BrowserExtensions\FireFox folder or in one of its subfolders. This regex expression would search for anything that starts with BrowserExtensions\FireFox: “^BrowserExtensions\\FireFox\\” The two backslashes (\\) are required to escape the backslash sequence. exeName — Enter the name of the executable file you want the system to run. This file must reside in the Runtime installation folder or one of its subdirectories. arguments — (Optional) Specify the arguments you want to pass to the executable. timeout — Enter the timeout interval in milliseconds. The default is 120000 milliseconds (two minutes). This example tells the system to run the Chrome extension installer if a file in the BrowserExtensions\Chrome\ folder was added or modified after the update or checkout: <Task nickName="Chrome Extension Installer" |
This section lists specific items for adapters, connectors, and the framework. The trace levels used for logging File Publisher and Output Window Publisher messages and are set through the Log Categories tab of the Diagnostics Configuration window. For any of the items, you specify the trace level by entering a number from 0-4: 0 — Corresponds to the Off setting on the Log Categories tab. The setting turns off the recording of information pertaining to this log category. 1 — Corresponds to the Error setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records error messages related to the category. 2 — Corresponds to the Warning setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records error and warning messages related to the category. 3 — Corresponds to the Info setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records error, warning, and informational messages related to the category. 4 — Corresponds to the Verbose setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records error, warning, informational messages and verbose debugging output related to the category. All items are set to 3 (Info) by default. For more information, see Diagnostics - Log Categories. Note: The Log4Net logging levels are mapped to Studio's logging levels as shown below. |
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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