Studio Configuration Settings
The StudioConfig.xml file contains configuration settings for the Pega Robotic Automation Studio application. This file is installed in the \Application subfolder in the application installation folder. After the initial run of Studio, the file is copied to the users C:\Documents and Settings\current user\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015 folder. The configuration settings in the StudioConfig.xml file apply to the following Studio features:
General Application behavior (AppSettings)
Assembly References (DeploymentReferences, CodeGenerationReferences, TypeResolution, BuildReferences, UpgradeReferences)
Error Log Categories (LogCategories)
Note: If deployment package security is used, the settings are defined through Studio (Tools > Options > OpenSpan > Deployment and Security options). The entries from the Development Settings dialog are saved in the StudioConfig.xml file. The entries from the Runtime Settings dialog are saved in the RuntimeConfig.xml files. To enable the security for independent Runtime installations, copy the <DeploymentSecurity> section of Studio's RuntimeConfig.xml file into the independent Runtime workstation's RuntimeConfig.xml or CommonConfig.xml file.
Define the Diagnostics settings using the Options > OpenSpan > Studio Diagnostics window. If you change the settings in the StudioConfig.xml file, the settings in the Studio Diagnostics dialog are overwritten. For example, if the Diagnostics Mode is set to Off in the Studio Diagnostics dialog and you set the Mode to On in the StudioConfig.xml file, the next time you launch Studio, the Mode setting will display as On.
Studio configuration settings
This table defines the keys in each section:
Section |
Keys |
The settings in this section correspond to the options in the Application Diagnostics Settings in the Studio Diagnostics Configuration window. To change a setting, go to the Diagnostics Configuration dialog from the Tools > Options > OpenSpan > Studio Diagnostics option. Mode – Enables Studio diagnostics. The default is On which enables diagnostic logging. This setting corresponds to the Application Diagnostics Settings – Mode in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Hook_Unhandled_Exception – On or Off. The default is On. This setting corresponds to the HookException in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Hook_Trace – On or Off. The default is On. Corresponds to the HookTrace setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Hook_Debug – On or Off. The default is On. Corresponds to the HookDebug setting in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Trace_Level – Values of 0 (none) through 4 (verbose). The default is 4 (verbose). This sets a logging level using a Microsoft TraceSwitch object. The TraceLevel sets the severity level for logging messages. The options are: off, then in increasing severity- verbose, info, warning, and error. The TraceLevel only applies to the start up messages in a diagnostic log such as when a publisher is initialized and the machine information is captured (machine name, version, and so on). All other messages use the severity set in the Log Categories. See Diagnostics Configuration for more information. |
Studio uses these credentials to authenticate with the Pega Platform development environment and fetch the properties defined in your application. After the properties are imported, you can use these properties when designing the automation. The set of properties imported into Studio is determined by the set of relevant records defined for each Pega class or case type. You can manage relevant records from the Relevant Records landing page in the Pega Platform Designer Studio. baseUrl – Enter the address of the Package Server API endpoint. Here is an example: <PegaServer baseUrl="https://<subdomain>"/> PackageServer baseUrl — Enter the URL of the file server used to connect Runtime to the PackageServer. The system uses this URL to download packages. Here is an example: <Robotics> |
These settings configure email notification of Studio exceptions. These setting are only configured through the StudioConfig.xml file. Mode – The default is Off. Set to On to enable email notifications. When set to On, Studio sends an email with the recorded information to those listed in the To setting when exceptions are raised. Subject – The text you want to appear in subject line. The default is Exception Information. Server – The name of email/SMTP server. The default is "" for none specified. From – The name of email sender. The default is "" which leaves the From: line in the email blank. To – A comma-separated list of exception notice recipients. The default is "" which leaves the To: line in the email blank. |
File Publisher mode The File Publisher settings configure writing diagnostic messages to the StudioLog.txt, OSCLog.txt, and OSDLog.txt files. Enabling file publishing may be done through the Diagnostics Configuration options in Studio. Mode – On or Off. The default is Off. Set to On to enable the writing of diagnostic files. This setting corresponds to the Mode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Trace_mode – This setting corresponds to the TraceMode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Exception_mode – This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode setting for FilePublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly – The default is OpenSpan. Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with file publisher process. Type – The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.FilePublisher. Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with the file publisher process. Filename – The default is StudioLog.txt. Configure this setting to the name of the file for the file publisher to use in writing diagnostic messages. The default location of this file is the \Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015 folder. FilesToKeep – Integer setting. The default is one (1). This setting configures the number of output files Studio retains. If set to one (1), each time Studio is restarted, the output file is overwritten. To save diagnostics files for multiple Studio sessions, increase this setting. For example, if set to five (5), Studio saves diagnostics files for five sessions. The file names are appended with a number indicating the session, for example, StudioLog1.txt, StudioLog2.txt and so on. The information from the most recent session is stored in the file appended with 1. The higher the number appended to the file name, the older the session. InitMode – The default is ClearLog. Do not change this setting.
SuperTrace Publisher The SuperTrace Publisher settings configure creating SuperTrace diagnostic messages. Enabling SuperTrace publishing can be done through the Diagnostics Configuration dialog in Studio. To use SuperTrace, you must set the Mode for the SuperTrace Publisher to On under Studio and/or Runtime Diagnostics. Additional SuperTrace configuration settings are in the openspan.ini file. If enabled, the system writes SuperTrace logs to the application working directory (such as C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\SuperTraceLogs. To view SuperTrace messages, use the Log Viewer application. You can launch the Log Viewer from Studio by choosing Tools > Log Viewer. When using Runtime, launch the Log Viewer application from the Runtime installation folder. Mode – On or Off. Set to On to activate the SuperTrace publisher. Trace_mode – This setting corresponds to the TraceMode setting for SuperTrace Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Exception_mode – This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode setting for SuperTrace Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly – The default is OpenSpan. Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. Type – The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.SuperTracePublisher. Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process. FileName – The default is STDiagnosticLog.txt. Specify the name of the file for SuperTrace publisher to use in writing diagnostic messages. The default location of this file is in the \Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\SuperTraceLogs folder. TxtOutput – On or Off. Set to On to create a text (.TXT) file of the SuperTrace information. The default is Off. XmlOutput – On or Off. The default is On which creates an XML file of the diagnostic information. Only the XML file can be opened with the LogViewer application. DeleteLogs – On or Off. The default is On which deletes the OpenSpanLog binary files after they have be processes into the XML file. LogProcessorProgress – On or Off. The default is On which processes the binary files and turns them into the required XML file. LogProcessor – On or Off. The default is On which enables the processing of the binary files.
OutputWindow Publisher The OutputWindow Publisher settings configure how diagnostic messages appear in the Studio Output window. You can enable the display of diagnostic messages in the Output window using the Diagnostics Configuration dialog in Studio. Mode – On or Off. Set to On to display messages to the Output window. This setting shows the value of the Mode setting for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. The default is On. Trace_mode – This setting corresponds to the TraceMode setting for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Exception_mode – This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode setting for OutputWindowPublisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On. Assembly – The default is OpenSpan. Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. Type – The default is OpenSpan.Studio.Shell.OutputPublisher. Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process.
Log4Net Publisher The Log4Net diagnostics publisher lets you...
You have the following options. Mode – On or Off. The default is On which enables logging. Trace_Mode – On or Off. The default is On, which logs trace information. This setting corresponds to the TraceMode option for Log4Net Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Exception_Mode – On or Off. The default is On, which includes exception logging. This setting corresponds to the ExceptionMode option for Log4Net Publisher in the Diagnostics Configuration window. Assembly – The default is OpenSpan. Do not change this setting. This is the assembly (DLL file) associated with this process. Type – The default is OpenSpan.Diagnostics.Publishers.OutputWindowPublisher. Do not change this setting. This is the class associated with this process. Appender – These settings define Log4Net logging. Do not modify the Name, Type, File Type, and Value settings. appendToFile – Enter True if you want new information appended to the existing file. The default is False, which creates a new file. rollingStyle – Specifies when to begin writing to a new log file. This can be based on size (using the maximumFileSize parameter) or date or both. The default is Size, which means log files only store a certain amount of data before starting a new log file. maximumFileSize – Specifies the maximum size for each log file the system creates. For instance, you could enter 10MB. maxSizeRollBackups – Specifies the maximum number of rolling backup files to retain. For instance, if you enter three (3), you will get files named filename.1, filename.2, and filename.3. staticLogFileName – Indicates whether the system should always log to the same file (name) and makes sure the current log file will always be named what is specified in the file name parameter. The default is True. lockingModel – Specifies how the log file is locked. The default is Minimal Lock, which lets multiple applications (appenders) have write access to the file when no other application is currently logging. layout – Specifies how the data is written to the log file. The default is Pattern Layout. Do not change this default. The Conversion Pattern sub-tag defines the first three columns in the log file: (1) logging level (2) date & time Stamp (3) thread name. You can delete any of these first three columns or change the order in which they appear. |
TreatInvalidConnectionsAsErrors – This setting should only be changed under the direction of Studio Support. The default is True. ReplaceIUIService – This setting should only be changed under the direction of Studio Support. The default is True. IgnoreRuntimeDeserializationErrors – The default is True, which suppresses Studio errors. If set to False, when and if deserialization errors are detected a continue/yes/no/cancel window is displayed. DeploymentPackageExtension – This setting specifies the extension Studio uses to create deployment package files. The default is .Openspan. DeploymentManifestExtension – This setting specifies the extension Studio uses to create manifest files. The default is .manifest. DeploymentSaveToDisk – This setting determines whether the project files are stored on the disk after deployment extraction or run from memory. If set to True, the project files are stored. If set to False, the project is run from memory. The default is False. LogSoapExtension – Set to True to activate the logging function for Request and Response messages for the WebService and ServiceClient components. The default is False. DesignComponentStopTimeout – This setting controls, in milliseconds, how long Studio waits to time out when a design component has stopped. The default is 5000 milliseconds. SuppressAdapterExceptions – The default is False, which tells the system to show exceptions raised by adapters to the user. The user can then choose whether to stop Studio or continue running. SuppressFileAccessNotifications – The default is False, which means file access permission errors are shown. BreakpointPollInterval – Monitors the thread that looks to see if breakpoints have been deleted from the Breakpoint window. This is the interval that the thread uses to poll for changes. The default is 200 milliseconds. HelpOnline – Sets the location of the Studio/Runtime Help site. Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by Studio support. HelpDeveloper – Sets the location of the Support Center website. Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by Studio support. Start_Timeout_MSecs – The default is 120000 milliseconds, or two minutes. DefaultTargetLicenseEdition – Sets the version of Runtime which will run the deployed project created by Studio. The default is Enterprise Edition. You can change the target edition by using the Tools > Options > OpenSpan Configuration window in Studio. See Configuration Options for more information. DeployCompressOption – Determines the level of compression used. You have the following options:
The default is Fast. AllowSeibelOpenUi – Lets you enable or disable the SiebelOpenUIFactory. If you enter True, you must also delete the TargetFactoryConfigurationCache.xml file. You will find this file in the folder specified in the ConfigurationLocation setting in the CommonConfig.xml file. The default is False. Note: You must close and restart Studio for the AllowSeibelOpenUI setting to take effect. IgnoreProcesses – Use this key to list the processes you want Studio and Runtime/Agile Desktop to ignore. Note: Separate each process with a comma. The list of process names is case insensitive. Use the following keys to configure time-out interval values for HTTP web requests. This helps you avoid situations where package uploads fail in the Deployment Portal because the client timed out. Use these keys to modify package upload HttpWebRequests: UploadTimeout – Use this key to specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the request has to complete. The default is 100000, or 10 minutes. UploadReadWriteTimeout – Use this key to specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the client has to read or write responses to the server. The default is 300000, or 30 minutes. UploadKeepAlive – Use this key to specify whether the client should keep open the connection to the server. The default is False. Use these keys to modify HttpWebRequests: WebRequestTimeout – Use this key to specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the request has to complete. The default is 100000, or 10 minutes. WebRequestReadWriteTimeout – Use this key to specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the client has to read or write responses to the server. The default is 300000, or 30 minutes. WebReqestKeepAlive – Use this key to specify whether the client should keep open the connection to the server. The default is False. |
List of assembly files omitted from deployment. Do not change the information in this section. |
List the assemblies used as dynamic assembly references. Do not change the information in this section. |
List of files to copy from the application folder to the project's build output folder. |
List of assemblies resolved by simple names. Do not change the information in this section. |
List of assemblies used when upgrading a project to the current version of Studio. |
List of descriptors used by Studio. Do not change the information in this section. |
This section lists specific items for adapters, connectors, and the framework. The trace levels are used for logging File Publisher and Output Window Publisher messages and are set via the Log Categories dialog under the Diagnostics Configuration option. For any of these items, the trace levels in this configuration file are numeric, from 0-4. The numeric settings correspond to these levels: 0 – Corresponds to the Off setting on the Log Categories tab. The setting turns off the recording of information pertaining to this log category. 1 – Corresponds to the Error setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting only records error messages related to the category. 2 – Corresponds to the Warning setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records both warning and error messages related to the category. 3 – Corresponds to the Info setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records informational messages along with warning and error messages. 4 – Corresponds to the Verbose setting on the Log Categories tab. This setting records all messages – error, warning, and informational – along with verbose debugging output. All items are set to three (3) or Info by default. For more information, see Diagnostics- Log Categories. |
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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