openspan.ini file

The openspan.ini file resides in the application installation folder\Application (such as C:\Program Files\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Visual Studio 2015\Application). This file applies to Studio and Runtime and is applied when these applications are launched.


openspan.ini Settings




Use the settings in this section to configure SuperTrace logging.

To use SuperTrace, you must set the Mode for the SuperTrace Publisher to On under Studio and/or Runtime Diagnostics. Additional SuperTrace configuration settings are in the openspan.ini file. If enabled, the system writes SuperTrace logs to the application working directory (such as C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\SuperTraceLogs. To view SuperTrace messages, use the Log Viewer application. You can launch the Log Viewer from Studio by choosing Tools  >  Log Viewer. When using Runtime, launch the Log Viewer application from the Runtime installation folder.


On – Specifies whether SuperTrace logging is enabled. Set to one (1) to enable SuperTrace. The default is zero (0), SuperTrace off. This is the only setting in the openspan.ini file that can be set through either the Studio interface or Runtime interface by using the Mode setting on the Diagnostics Configuration window for SuperTrace.

Verbose – Specifies whether verbose SuperTrace logging is enabled. Set to one (1) to get detailed SuperTrace log files. The default is zero (0), verbose off.

WriteThrough – Controls when log entries are written to disk. Set to zero (0) to cache changes. This is the recommended setting for best performance. Set to one (1) to write log files to disk immediately. The default is zero (0), cache changes.

DoTimings – Determines whether time stamps are included with SuperTrace log file entries. Set to one (1), the default, to enable time stamps. Set to zero (0) to disable time stamps.

FlushCacheInterval – Sets the number of log entries occurring before cached entries are written to disk. The default, zero (0), disables writing cached entries to disk.

ChunkInterval – Sets the number of writes before chunking (restarting) a log file. This can be used to prevent the log file from becoming too large. Use this setting with the SnapFiles setting to specify when SnapFiles are created. The default, zero (0), prevents a log file from being chunked.

SnapFiles – Enables the writing of snap files. When this is enabled (set to 1), a snap file is written to disk when the log is chunked (see ChunkInterval). If you enable SnapFiles, you must also configure the ChunkInterval. The default is zero (0), disabled.

MaxSnapNumber – Sets the maximum number of snap files that can be created for a particular log. When the maximum number of snap files have been written, SuperTrace will begin overwriting the oldest snap file. The default, zero (0), indicates there should be no maximum limit.

AllProcesses – Specifies whether SuperTrace is enabled for all processes. Set to one (1) to have SuperTrace apply to all processes. Setting this to one (1) will cause the TraceProcessList setting to be ignored. The default is 1, apply to all processes.

TraceProcessList – Enter a comma-separated list of processes for which you want to output trace messages. This setting only applies if SuperTrace is enabled (On = 1) and AllProcesses is off (=0). The entries for this setting are not case sensitive.

LogPath – Sets an alternate directory for saving SuperTrace log files. If this setting is left blank, SuperTrace logs will default to the SuperTraceLogs folder in the application working directory.


Change the PageSizes setting in this section under the advice of Pega Robotic Automation Support.

Trace – This setting enables or disables logging of allocated tables, pages, offsets, and sizes when SharedMemory is initialized. Set to one (1) to enable, zero (0) to disable. The default is 1, enabled.

Debug – This setting enables or disables logic which assists in debugging issues in reading from and writing to SharedMemory. Set to one (1) to enable, zero (0) to disable. The default is 1, enabled.

PageSizes – This setting is a string containing the sizes of the pages to create. Following the string, set the number of pages to create for each size. The default is PageSizes =  64 256 2048 8192 131072 with page numbers:


Under the advice of Support, you may need to change these settings when working with some text applications.

MemoryObjectName – Specifies the name of the SharedMemory object in memory. This setting does not need to be defined, except in situations where some other application is using the same name as the default SharedMemory object. If MemoryObjectName is not defined, SharedMemory uses its default name.


Use the settings in this section to configure GDI Hooking. GDI Hooking is required to read text from control regions.

Enabled – This setting enables or disables GDI hooking. Set to one (1) to enable or zero (0) to disable. When enabled, either the ProcessList or the AllProcesses setting must also be configured. GDI hooking is used to get text from Control Regions. The default is zero (0), disabled.

ProcessList – This is a comma-separated list of processes for GDI hooking. This setting only takes effect if Enabled is set to On (1) and AllProcesses is set to False (0). The entries for this setting are not case sensitive.

AllProcesses – This setting specifies whether GDI hooking is performed for all processes. Enabling this (set to 1) causes the ProcessList setting to be ignored. It is recommended that the ProcessList be specified and the AllProcesses setting be False (0) for best performance. The default is zero (0), do not apply GDI to all processes.

XTolerance – This setting is a horizontal amount to subtract from Control Region rectangles to prevent overlapping adjacent fields. For Visual FoxPro applications, a setting of 3 is recommended. The default is 3.

YTolerance – This setting is a vertical amount to subtract from Control Region rectangles to prevent overlapping adjacent fields. For Visual FoxPro applications, a setting of zero (0) is recommended. The default is zero (0).

BitmapWindows – This setting specifies the class name of windows that will have their bitmaps captured from the internal bitmaps maintained by an application. For Visual FoxPro applications, accept the default: amw6c000000.


The Tracing settings are derived from the Tracing Options configured in Studio/Runtime. In Studio, these are set via Tools > Options >  OpenSpan > Tracing Options. For more information, see Tracing Options.

Level – Corresponds to the Trace Level selected under Tracing Options in the Studio application.

Source –  Corresponds to the Trace Source selected under Tracing Options in the Studio application.

Output – Corresponds to the Trace Output selected under Tracing Options in the Studio application.

Broker Diagnostics

The BrokerDiagnostics settings let you suppress trace messages related to OpenSpan.Brokers.Windows.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section controls whether JVM options are inserted during Java startup which allows a remote debugger to be attached.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section is used with application isolation virtualization environments, such as App-V and Citrix streaming applications.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section manages Studio's crash dump capabilities.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section manages safe module loading. 

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section lets you specify URLs to ignore.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section lets you use the Set to use the COM wrappers.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section lets you  specify windows you do not want to hook.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


This section lets you specify processes for which you want to suppress all hooking.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


These sections are used by the Google Earth translator.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


The section is used for capturing wininet events, such as HTTPS requests.

These settings should only be changed under the direction of Support.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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