Go to Robotic Automation version 22.1 documentation

Automations - Overview

Use automations to create logic for executing Studio integration, automation, and events projects.  

To build the project functionality, you add properties, methods, and events for controls from Object Explorer and Studio components from the Toolbox window. As you place controls and components on an automation, the objects are represented by design blocks with data and event ports. Making connections between the data and event ports establishes the automation logic.


Automation functions

Adding an Automation

Design Blocks

Automation Component Tray

Data and Execution Paths

Automation Comments

Automation Intellisense

Automation Toolbar Functions

Automation Properties, Methods and Events

Create Instance

Extract Proxy

Label and Jump To

Entry Point/Exit Point

Try - Catch Functionality

Undo and Redo Functions


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Updated: 01 July 2024

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