Go to Robotic Automation version 22.1 documentation

Automations - Try - Catch Functionality

Try and Catch Blocks surround the automation steps for which you want to catch and process exceptions. The Try block indicates the start of the logic series, and the Catch block sets the exceptions you want to catch and how to process them. This topic describes...


Adding Try-Catch Blocks

You have these options for inserting Try-Catch blocks on an execution path:

  1. Click the Insert a Try Block button and then click on the execution link prior to the automation blocks that may cause an exception.
    Next, click the  Insert a Catch Block button and then click on the execution link directly following the possible exception occurrence.

  2. Click on the automation blocks that may cause an exception and click the Wrap in a Try..Catch Block button.


Using Try - Catch Blocks

This automation uses the Try-Catch block to handle an exception that could occur if executing the CheckLength Java script fails for a web application login page:


Selecting Available Exceptions

Numerous exceptions are available for each Catch object, depending on the type of object associated with the Try block, by clicking the ... (ellipsis) button that is displayed when you click on an exception item inside of the Catch block.  

This window is displayed when you click the ... (ellipsis) button:


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Updated: 01 July 2024

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