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Automation Toolbar Functions

When an automation is open in the Designer, the Automation toolbar is displayed. Use the options on the Automation toolbar to perform these tasks:

Toolbar Button



Lets you select block on an automation.

Pan Automation

Enables scrolling around in the automation by clicking on the background of the automation screen.

Add Constructor for Type

Adds an instance of an object in the automation. When you click this button and then click on the automation design page, you can select the namespace and type of object desired. Creating an instance of an object lets you quickly add complex types and web services. For more information, see Creating Constructors.

Insert a Try Block

Sets the start of try-catch exception handling. For more information, see Try Catch functionality.

Insert a Catch Block

Sets the end of try-catch exception handling. For more information, see Try Catch functionality.

Wrap in a Try..Catch Block

Surrounds a design blocks in Try/Catch functionality for exception handling. For more information, see Try Catch functionality.

Zoom In

Zooms the view of current window in to see greater detail.

Zoom Out

Zooms the view of the current window out to get a larger picture.

Restore Size

Sets the window back to its default setting.

Fit to Screen

Resizes automation appearance to fit to current Designer window size.

Zoom Custom

Zooms the view of the current window to a selected percentage.

Group Objects

Groups the selected design blocks together.

Ungroup Objects

Ungroups the selected design blocks.

Expand Blocks

Expands all selected design blocks.

Collapse Blocks

Collapses all selected design blocks.


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Updated: 01 July 2024

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OpenSpan data classification label