WebConnect Overview

The OpenConnect WebConnect EHllapi emulator runs on a client-server platform where the emulation application is an applet launched from Internet Explorer.  

Note: You must install EHllapi on the client machines. This adapter will only work with 3270 and 5250 terminal types since WebConnect’s version of EHllapi does not support other terminal types. The service wc6. must be running on server.


Using WebConnect EHllapi

  1. From the Project Items dialog, select Text Adapter > OpenConnect >  WebConnect EHllapi.

  2. Set the adapter properties by entering the name and full path to the ehllapi32.dll in the DllName property and set the ScreenDefinition for the session.

  3. Add a web adapter and set the StartPage to the location of WebConnect running on the server. Set the StartOnProjectStart property for the web adapter to False.

  4. Select Start Interrogation for the WebConnect EHllapi adapter.

  5. External to Studio, run Internet Explorer.

  6. Go to the webpage hosted by the WebConnect server (the address is the same as the StartPage entry for the web adapter).

  7. Click on the icon corresponding to the session you want to interrogate. This launches the applet hooked by the EHlapi adapter.

  8. Interrogate the fields and regions within the session using the standard text adapter interrogation techniques. For more information, see Interrogating Terminal Emulator Applications.

  9. Select Stop Interrogation when you have interrogated the host items for your solution.

  10. Close the WebConnect session and close Internet Explorer.

  11. Open the web adapter and select Start Interrogation.

  12. Interrogate the icon (image) that represents the session you want to use with the solution. The control is returned as a Image object in Studio.

  13. Stop the web adapter. Here are examples of Object Explorer for the WebConnect EHllapi and the WebConnect web applications:



Related information

WebConnect Solutions

Emulator Adapter Components - Properties, Methods and Events

Host Applications - Property, Method and Event Exceptions by Component Name


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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