Testing Studio Projects on Citrix Clients

Once you copied the deployment package to a Citrix client, make sure the client can contact the Citrix Server – without Runtime running. This rules out any Citrix errors while testing the Studio project. Once you are certain that the workstation can log onto the server, log out and test the solution as follows:

  1. Launch Runtime locally on the workstation.

  2. Load the test project. A Citrix session should begin and login will be established.

  3. The project applications will launch on the workstation. If the project runs as expected, deploy to other workstations as required.

Note: To troubleshoot some of the common errors that may occur when deploying and running Studio -Citrix projects, return to Studio and set the Debug Runtime property to True for the Citrix Context, build and re-deploy the project.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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