Using the Stand-alone TestRunner Application
Along with Studio, a stand-alone or console version of the TestRunner application is installed (OpenSpan.ConsoleTestRunner.exe). This command-line application provides a way to automate running a suite of unit tests. This topic describes how to automate running several Studio project packages.
Follow these steps to run a test:
Open the command prompt dialog and go to the folder that contains the stand-alone TestRunner application.
Enter this command:
OpenSpan.consoletestrunner /project="full path and name of deployed package"
Here is an example:
C:\Program Files\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Visual Studio 2015\Application>OpenSpan.ConsoleTestRunner.exe /project="C:\Deployed Design\OSUnitTests.openspan"
The TestRunner application loads the project and runs the test automations. Messages appear to let you know the project is loaded and to show you the status of the test. Here is an example:
Loading Project - C:\Deployed Design\OSUnitTests.openspan ------------------ Running Tests... Running Test: ChildControls_test... FAILED Running Test: CRMMDI_Test... PASSED Running Test: NewCall_Test... PASSED ------------------ |
When TestRunner finishes running the test automations in the deployment package, a summary of the results is displayed. Here is an example:
------------------ Tests completed Tests Passed: 2 Tests Failed: 1 Tests Did Not Finish: 0 Total Tests Run: 3 ------------------ Results saved to - C:\Documents and Settings\OpenSpanUser\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for VS 2015\TestResults.xml ConsoleTestRunner done
You can include these command line parameters when running TestRunner.
Parameter |
Description |
/project= |
Enter the name and full path of the project you want to test. |
/resultsfile= |
Enter the name and full path of the results file you want the TestRunner application to create. |
/noresults |
Include if you do not want to see results. |
/silent |
Include if you do not want to see any console messages while the TestRunner application is running. |
/pauseBeforeExit |
Include if you want the TestRunner application to wait until you press Enter before it finishes processing and closes. |
/help (or /?) |
Shows you a list of the command line parameters with short descriptions. |
Note: You can preface these parameters with either a slash (/) or a dash (-).
Related information
Running Unit Tests from Studio
Using the TestRunner Application
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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