StartMyDay Component Overview
This innovation lets you specify activities a Runtime or Agile Desktop user will be presented with when he or she first starts Runtime/Agile Desktop. This list can include non‐Pega programs and URLs, as well as Pega Robotic Automation Studio solutions. Users can use the Manage Applications dialog to prioritize the order in which applications are launched to maximize their readiness.
In addition, each Runtime/Agile Desktop user can add to and remove from the list of processes to be started by Runtime/Agile Desktop. The items on the list are specific to the user.
The adapter includes these StartMyDay component properties:
Property |
Description |
FriendlyName |
Enter the name you want the automation user to see in the Start My Day window. You can include spaces. |
StartMyDay |
Use this property to specify how this adapter participates in Start My Day functionality. For example, choose Automatic if you want the adapter to start automatically or Manual if you want the user to start the adapter. The default is None, which indicates the adapter does not participate in Start My Day functionality. You can choose from the following options:
Note: When you choose Automatic or Manual, the StartOnProjectStart property is updated to reflect your choice. |
StartMyDayControls |
Indicates which controls are used by the StartMyDay component to locate the application using the following methods:
the system lists eligible interrogated controls in the Collection dialog. Select all windows, web pages, or screens that are required to locate the application for the StartMyDay component. Note: If there is no matching StartMyDayControl available when an Organizing method is called, the application is not affected. |
Note: You cannot load multiple packages in Runtime or Agile Desktop using the StartMyDay component.
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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