How Projects Start Applications
By default, when a project is run, the system automatically starts all adapters, launches the corresponding applications, and hooks the applications. For more information, see Application Integration.
Adapter design properties provide the ability to define how an adapter starts when its project is run, and how the system integrates with the application, spawned processes, and associated factories. The adapter design properties that control how projects launch and hook applications are:
Path and TargetPath Properties
The Path and TargetPath properties apply to the Windows adapter. The value of the Path property is the executable file name and path for the application, such as C:\Program Files\CRM.exe. In the simplest case, the Path property specifies the location of your target application – the application you want to interrogate and integrate.
When the target application is launched by another application that does not need to be interrogated, use the TargetPath property to identify the target application, and use the Path property to specify the location of executable that starts the target application.
You do not need to enter the full path for the target application in the TargetPath property, only the executable file name is required.
Using the TargetPath property automatically sets the project TargetEnvironment property to the driver service.
The StartOnProjectStart property applies to all Studio adapters. This property controls when an adapter starts during the course of loading and running the project. The default is True, resulting in the adapter starting when the project is run. If you set this property to False, specific automation logic is required, such as executing the Adapter.Start method, to start the adapter. It is a good practice to set StartOnProjectStart to True only for the applications that are required when the project starts.
Keep in mind that starting the adapter does not automatically launch the application associated with the adapter. How the application is launched depends on the following settings.
Web Applications – When the adapter starts, Studio launches Internet Explorer and navigates to the application identified by the StartPage, hooks the application and the interrogated controls are available to the project automations or event monitoring.
Windows Applications – When the adapter starts, the StartMethod determines whether Studio launches the associated Path application.
Text Applications – When the adapter starts, Studio applies the adapter properties to hook the emulator session.
Note: If you are using the Start My Day component and you choose either Automatic or Manual in the StartMyDay property, this property is no longer applicable.
The StartMethod property applies to all types of adapters. This property determines how the target application is started. Your options are listed here:
Start – With this option, starting the adapter causes Studio to launch and hook the application defined by the Path property or the specified browser which is directed to the URL defined by the StartPage property.
StartAndWait – With this option, which only applies to the Windows adapter, starting the adapter causes Studio to launch the application identified in the Path property and then waits until the application in the TargetPath is launched. When the TargetPath application runs, Studio then hooks the TargetPath application.
Note: Studio does not hook the Path application, therefore you cannot interrogate or automate the Path application. If you choose this option, the Runtime user must have Pega Notification Manager installed. You install these services during the initial installation.
MonitorAll – With this option, after the adapter starts, Studio waits until the Path application or specified browser is run and then hooks the application. In this case, the Path application must be launched independently (for example, from an external application or manually) after the adapter starts. Once the application is launched, Studio hooks the application and the interrogated controls are available to the project automations or event monitoring. The adapter must be started before the Path application or specified browser is launched or Studio will not hook the application.
When using this StartMethod with the Windows adapter, you can omit the full path when specifying the application executable in the Path property and simply enter the executable file name. You must set the project's TargetEnvironment to Driver with this StartMethod.
The MonitorAll StartMethod enables the adapter to remain running if the Path application shuts down (due to an application error or the end user closing the application). When the application is restarted, Studio will again hook the application.
If you choose this option, the Runtime user must have Pega Robotic Automation services installed. You install these services during the initial installation.
In cases where multiple instances of the Path application can be run, set the UseKeys property to True on the top level form in Object Explorer for the application. Doing so lets Studio correctly identify and interact with the various instances of the application.
Stopping the project will stop all application instances with which Studio is interacting.
There are three scenarios which can occur when you start the Chrome Universal Web Adapter:
If you set the StartMethod property to Start, when a Chrome Universal Web Adapter starts a new Chrome window is displayed and goes to the page you specified in the StartPage property. If Chrome was not running, the system starts it.
If you set the StartMethod property to MonitorAll, the adapter starts, but no new Chrome windows or tabs are created, nor is Chrome started.
If Chrome is already running when you start the adapter, the adapter processes all top-level documents, based on the way you set up the AcceptedDomains property.
If you set the adapter to Start, it will not stop until all Chrome processes are closed.
The ExcludeProcess property applies to all adapters. This property lets you identify processes and factories that are not required by your project. For more information, see Excluding Processes for Use in Projects.
The HookChildProcesses property applies to Windows and web adapters. Use this property when any process hooked by Studio launches other applications/processes that you want to integrate. For more information, see Using HookChildProcesses.
The StartTimeout property applies to Windows and web adapters. The value of the StartTimeout property specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits for the Path application to start before Studio issues a timeout message. This property does not apply to the MonitorAll StartMethod.
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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