Data Sensitive Property

When logging diagnostic information, you can use the Sensitive property for a data link to have the text "---Sensitive----" sent to the RuntimeLog.txt file or Output window in place of the actual data value. This option is often used when executing automations containing passwords or other identification information. Here is an example message:

Automation: Automation1 propagating From: txtTextBox.Text To q.Text Value: ----Sensitive----

To invoke the Sensitive property, click on the link and set the Sensitive property in the Properties grid to True. You can also right-click on a Data Path between two design blocks and select Sensitive from the menu.


Deactivate the Sensitive property by clicking on the link and setting the Sensitive property for False in the Properties grid. You can also right-click on the link and toggle the Sensitive option off (removes check mark).


Related information

Diagnostics Configuration

Data and Execution Paths


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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