Data Grid - Data Grid vs. DataWindow
A PowerBuilder DataWindow is represents data in a visually similar way to data grids for PowerBuilder applications. Pega Robotic Automation supports several versions of PowerBuilder DataWindows. To determine the version of the DataWindow you have in your application, see Data Grid - Proprietary Components.
Interrogating DataWindows
Studio matches any DataWindow control in a PowerBuilder application as a DataGrid. A DataWindow is essentially a collection of data organized in a grid of rows and columns, just like a DataGrid. Differences between a DataWindow and a DataGrid include:
DataWindows have their columns spread around in a manner similar to controls in a form, rather than to isomorphic next-to-each-other controls in a DataGrid.
DataWindows have at least one row, and are visible in a typical repeatable, one-above-the-other layout.
DataWindows have other controls inside them, which are not necessarily columns, such as ComputedField, Line, Oval, Rectangles, Text, and so on, but they are likened to DataGrid columns because of the implicit assumption that DataWindows are DataGrids. These non-columns appear as DataGrid columns, but have no column ID or column number. They cannot be referenced when using the DataGrid GetCellValue (int row, int column) method, or the GetCellValue(int row, string columnName) method. You can work with these non-columns individually if you interrogate them by themselves and their specific functionality can be seen in Studio’s Object Explorer.
When working with rows and columns in a DataWindow, the row number or column number starts at one (not zero).
Related information
Data Grid - Proprietary Components
Data Grid - Properties, Methods and Events
Data Grid - Property, Method and Event Exceptions by Component Name
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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