Match Rules for SAP GUI Controls

Default Match Rules

The default match rules applied by Studio to match SAP targets depend on the speed set in the SAP Network Settings for the client. For more information, see Interrogating SAP.

Use the High Speed Connection setting when creating and using Studio projects as the match rules are more precise. If you use the Low Speed Connection setting, ambiguous target matching may occur and you will need to modify the match rules for precise matching.


Virtual Controls

The SAP GUI application uses standard Windows, web controls and owner-drawn controls. For the Windows controls, Studio applies the standard Windows match rules, such as Window Text, Window Class Name, and Control ID match rules. For more information, see Match Rule Definitions.

When interrogating owner-drawn controls in the SAP client, Studio creates virtual controls for the interrogated targets. These controls display on the Virtual Controls tab during interrogation. Studio uses the following match rules for these controls:

Here is an example SAP window which shows both Windows and virtual controls:

For more information, see SAP GUI Windows and Forms.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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