SAP Integration Settings

Use the Windows adapter to integrate the SAP Client GUI application with Studio. Note that there are special considerations for interrogating this application:

Note: If the SAP Client GUI application contains embedded web controls, the Interrogation Form will contain options for both Windows and web interrogation, including the Create Global Web Page option.


Specify application

To use targets from the SAP client GUI application in a Studio project, use the Windows adapter and set the Path property to the fully-pathed logon executable. For example: C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\saplogon.exe.


Network settings

SAP clients can run using either of two Network Settings: High Speed Connection (LAN), Low Speed Connection (Reduced Network Traffic).

When interrogating the SAP client GUI, the match rules that Studio uses depends on Network Setting:

Therefore, a project created in a high speed connection session will not run in a low speed connection environment. Before beginning interrogation of the application, determine how the SAP client GUI application is configured on the runtime desktops.

Note: If your enterprise has a mixture of high speed and low speed workstations, interrogate the SAP GUI application with the Low Speed Connection selected.

The match rules used for low speed connection environment are valid in the high speed connection environment. For more information, see Match Rules for SAP GUI Controls.


SAP GUI configuration

SAP GUI workstations have the options of displaying in a classic Windows format, or in a New Visual Design format. When interrogating the SAP GUI, use the configuration that exists on the workstations that will be running the Studio project.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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