OpenSpan.AgileDesktop.exe.Config File

The OpenSpanAgileDesktop.exe.config file contains general configuration settings for Agile Desktop. These settings apply to the Agile Desktop splash screen. The file is typically located in the Runtime installation folder. For more information, see Configuration Files Location.

Here is a summary of the settings:




These parameters control how the Agile Desktop splash screen is displayed and the information shown on it. You must configure these settings through the OpenSpanAgileDesktop.exe.config file.

Enabled value – When you set this parameter to True, the splash screen is displayed in Agile Desktop. When you set it to False, the splash screen does not appear. The default is True.

fileName value – String setting. Use this setting to specify the name of the graphic file to use in place of the default graphic in the splash screen. You can use any of these file types:

  • .jpg

  • .gif

  • .bmp

  • .png

If you enter the file name without specifying the full path, the system searches the following folders for the file: application installation folder, user Documents, and user Pictures folders. The graphic is converted to a size of 420 by 320 pixels. Note you must supply the productName value when you use a custom graphic. The default is "" which indicates the default graphic is used.

productName – This parameter lets you enter a custom product name on the splash screen that is displayed instead of Agile Desktop. You must fill out the productName value when you use a custom graphic. The default is "" which indicates Agile Desktop.

productVersion – This parameter lets you set a specific version number to display on the splash screen. If you leave this setting blank, the default Runtime version number displays. The default is "" which indicates the default version number.

productCoordinateCode – This parameter lets you specify where the product name is displayed on the splash screen graphic. The default is "0, 0" which is in the lower left area of the screen. The product version is displayed beneath the product name.

statusValue – True or False. This parameter lets you specify whether the splash screen shows the status text. The status text is the text that is displayed at the bottom of the splash screen while the project is loading. The default is True which displays the status text.

statusText value – String setting. This parameter lets you specify text to display in place of the default text when the project is loading. The default is "" which indicates the default project opening status information displays.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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