Naming Rules

Naming rules let you specify replacement characters for invalid characters and set prefixes Studio will use when naming interrogated objects. To define naming rules, choose OpenSpan > Naming Rules from the Options dialog (choose Tools > Options).

The Naming Rules options are listed under these option nodes:


Invalid Characters

The Invalid Characters option lets you add or remove a character to use in place of an invalid character. An invalid character is any character that cannot be used by Studio when naming matching targets. For example, when interrogating webpage objects, the tag name of the target may include an apostrophe ('). This character is invalid in Studio object names. If you set a replacement string for the apostrophe (such as Apos), then Studio uses the replacement string rather than the actual character when adding the target as an object to the solution.

Use the Invalid Characters – Replacement String table available from the Options dialog: OpenSpan > Naming Rules > Invalid Characters option. These functions are available:


Type Prefixes

The Type Prefixes option lets you specify a prefix for common interrogated controls. For example, when interrogating a label in a Windows application, you can set the Type Prefix such that the prefix is: lb. In this case, the prefix lb is applied to the control name.

Use the Type Name – The prefix table available from the Options dialog's OpenSpan > Naming Rules > Type Prefixes option. These buttons are available:


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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OpenSpan data classification label