Adding Global Components to an Automation

Global components can be stored in either Global Container project items or the Global tab of individual automations. Note that adding a component to either of these does not add it to the other. That is, if you add a component to a global container, it will not also appear on the Global tab of an automation.

To add a global component, perform the following steps.

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the automation and select Open.

  2. From the Toolbox, drag the reusable component, such as a Boolean variable, onto the automation.

  3. The Component tray opens below the automation design pane and the component is added to the Local tab of the component tray.

    : All components, with the exception of the Counter and xmlDocumentComponent components, are added to the Local tab. When adding the first reusable component to an automation, the Component tray and Local/Global tabs are not visible, and the component is added to the Local tab. After which you must move it to the Global tab. Subsequent reusable components can be added to the Global tab by selecting  the Global tab before dragging the component from the Toolbox onto the automation.

    If the required component is on the automation and is local, you can make it global by right-clicking the component on the Local tab and selecting the Make Global option.

  4. Save the automation.


Related information

Adding Components to a Global Container Project Item

Adding Local Components to an Automation

Make a Global Component Global

Using Global Components in an Automation

Viewing Components in the Automation Component Tray


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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