Using the WaitAny Component

The WaitAny component is used when any one object — screen, form, or application — in a group must be created before the user can proceed.

This is useful when, for example, the group consists of three screens, each relating to a level of membership. A Gold-level membership necessitates the creation of one screen in the group, while a Silver membership would require creation of another screen. The successful creation of any one choice — Gold, Silver, or Bronze screens — fulfills the requirement and lets the user proceed.

The following solution is an example of how the WaitAny component can be used. A sample application named CRM is used in the automation. A dialog with the message, Next execute step, is displayed if any of the CRM child windows, New_Call_1 through New_Call_4, are created before the Timeout. If not, a dialog with the message, "timeout occurred," is displayed.


Related information

Using the WaitAll Component


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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