Create Global Web Page

The Create Global Web Page option determines the target controls created by Studio when interrogating a web application. When you select this option, Studio matches at the webpage level. This means that Studio does not create controls for any of the parent objects of webpages, such as the Internet Explorer or Firefox tabs, Frames, the browser, or the browser window.. This is required when objects in a frame can exist on various pages within the website, depending on the user’s interaction with the site.

If you do not select the Create Global Web Page option, Studio includes and matches all elements related to the interrogated control including the containing frames and web browser.

Note: When interrogating Internet Explorer using the Web adapter, checking the Create Global Web Page option prevents the web browser object from being created. If your solution requires the methods associated with the Browser object, such as GoForward(), GoBack(), Navigate(), and so on. clear the Create Global Web Page option. For more information, see Web Browser Properties, Methods, and Events.

Also keep in mind that if the IgnoreMainBrowser property is set to True (the default), Studio creates a WebDocument instead of a WebBrowser. This property is only available for the Web adapter. It is not available for the Universal Web adapter.

This example Web adapter contains two frames:


Interrogating these frames using the standard Default interrogation option yields separate frame objects under a common page in Object Explorer as shown in the following hierarchy:

If, however, you interrogate the Google and Yahoo search boxes using the Create Global Web Page option, the targets are returned to Object Explorer as separate page objects, as show here:

If the web browser is navigated from the original page to the Yahoo website, the Yahoo page will continue to match in Object Explorer.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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