HTML Data Cell Keys

When using data cell properties in automations, a parameter displays on the design block for the cell's Key as shown below.

The key lets you specify the cell for use in the automation as follows.



Absolute Index & Index

AbsoluteIndex is the index of the TableSection within the HTML Table. Setting the AbsoluteIndex to zero (0) will get you the first instance of that TableSection within the table, 1 will get you the second instance, and so on. Index applies when you have table sections inside table sections. Index is used to get a table section based off of its index within its parent.

The first instance of the table section within its parent (which may be the table, or another table section) is zero (0), the second instance of the table section within its parent is 1, and so on. This example shows how the AbsoluteIndex and Index keys are applied.

Note: If there is only one table section in the table, then the AbsoluteIndex and Index are the same.


Returns data from the row with the specified key.


Returns data from the first data row of the table.


Returns data from the data cell that satisfies the Query statement.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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