PdfViewer Component Properties, Methods, and Events
The PdfViewer component lets you display a PDF file to a Runtime user on a Windows form. The Runtime user can interact with the PDF file or you can interact with the PDF file on behalf of the user via automation code.
The PdfViewer component lets you search for text, select text, zoom in or out, and print the PDF file. You can respond to click events within the text of a file to provide assistance to the Runtime user.
Note: In PDF files, left and right coordinates are offsets from the left of the page. Bottom and top coordinates are offsets from the bottom of the page.
This component is often used with the PdfConnector component.
Property |
Description |
FileName |
Specify the name of the PDF file. |
SearchHighlightMode |
I indicate whether a search should highlight all found items or only the currently selected item. |
SelectedText |
(Read-only) Returns the currently selected text. |
SelectedTextPageNumber |
(Read-only) Returns the page number of the currently selected text. |
SelectedTextLeft |
(Read-only) Returns the currently selected text’s left position. |
SelectedTextRight |
(Read-only) Returns the currently selected text’s right position. |
SelectedTextTop |
(Read-only) Returns the currently selected text’s top position. |
SelectedTextBottom |
(Read-only) Returns the currently selected text’s bottom position. |
SelectingColor |
Specify the color to use to highlight the rectangle the system creates when you click and drag to create a selection area. |
SelectedColor |
Specify the color to use to highlight the selected text. |
SearchResultColor |
Specify the color to use to highlight text for search results when it is not the current selection. Only use this property if you set the SearchHighlightMode property All. |
ToolbarPageSection |
Indicate whether the page section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarZoomSection |
Indicate whether the zoom section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarRotateSection |
Indicate whether the rotate section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarSearchSection |
Indicate whether the search section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarDevSection |
Indicate whether the dev section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarFileSection |
Indicate whether the file section of the toolbar should be visible. |
ToolbarSectionOrder |
Indicate the order of the sections of the toolbar. |
Connector |
Use this property at design time to associate a PdfConnector with this PdfViewer. |
ConnectorInstance |
Use this property from the automation code to associate a PdfConnector with this PdfViewer by assigning the PdfConnector’s This property. |
ShowBookmarks |
Turn on or turn off the display of bookmarks. |
Method |
Description |
Return type |
Reload() |
Loads the PDF file again. |
void |
Close() |
Closes the PDF file. |
void |
Search(string searchFor) |
Searches for the string you specify. |
bool |
Search(PdfLine line) |
Selects and highlights text based on a PdfConnector PdfLine object. |
bool |
Search(PdfSegment segment) |
Selects and highlights text based on a PdfConnector PdfSegment object. |
bool |
Search(PdfWord word) |
Selects and highlights text based on a PdfConnector PdfWord object. |
bool |
Search(PdfPhrase phrase) |
Selects and highlights text based on a PdfConnector PdfPhrase object. |
bool |
SearchNext() |
Repeats the search, going forward. |
bool |
SearchPrev() |
Repeats the search, going backwards. |
bool |
GotoPage(int pageNumber) |
Goes to the page number you specify. |
void |
GotoLine(PdfLine line) |
Use to position to the text based on the PdfConnector PdfLine object. |
void |
GotoSegment(PdfSegment segment) |
Use to position to the text based on the PdfConnector PdfSegment object. |
void |
GotoWord(PdfWord word) |
Use to position to the text based on the PdfConnector PdfWord object. |
void |
GotoPhrase(PdfPhrase phrase) |
Use to position to the text based on the PdfConnector PdfPhrase object. |
void |
PrevPage() |
Goes to the previous page. |
void |
NextPage() |
Goes to the next page. |
void |
SetZoom(float zoom) |
Specifies a zoom percentage. |
void |
ZoomIn() |
Use to zoom in. |
void |
ZoomOut() |
Use to zoom out. |
void |
RotateLeft() |
Rotates the PDF file 90 degrees to the left (counter clockwise). |
void |
RotateRight() |
Rotates the PDF file 90 degrees to the right (clockwise). |
void |
FitWidth() |
Zooms the PDF document so it fits the width of the viewer. |
void |
FitHeight() |
Zooms the PDF document so it fits the height of the viewer. |
void |
CopySelectionToClipboard() |
Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
void |
Event |
Description |
TextSelected |
Occurs when text is selected. |
SelectionChanged |
Occurs when text is selected or unselected. |
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Updated: 18 June 2020
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