Working with Match Rules

For Studio to successfully run a project, all controls must be uniquely matched. In some cases it is necessary to make modifications to match rule properties to successfully match an application target. This topic describes some common reasons match rule properties need to be edited.


Un-matched targets

If the original property or properties used by the match rule to identify the target change, the control and the match rule appear on the Match Rules tab as unmatched. A question mark (?) is displayed next to the set of match rules. Use the Debug Matching option in the Interrogation Form and re-interrogate the target. Studio will resolve which match rules succeed and which fail. Those match rules that fail to match the target will appear with a red X next to the in the Match Rules pane. The next step in resolving unmatched targets is to view the properties for the target and compare those to the match rule properties to see if there are any differences.

In some cases, the properties used for the match rule contain specific information that changes depending on how the interrogated application is used. For example, if a match rule depends on specific information in the URL, such as an account number or item number, the Match Rule property needs to be modified or the match rule will fail when the target is displayed for a different account number or item number. A common problem occurs when the text used in the Window Text match rule changes. You can modify the Match Rule Text property using Regex to broaden the range of text values that will satisfy the match rule. For more information, see Match Rule Editor.


Matching multiple targets

When a target does not have a unique single property, the default match rule used during the Interrogation matches multiple targets. When the match rule in the Match Rules pane is highlighted, multiple targets appear as matched in the Targets pane. An error message is displayed in the Interrogation Form to inform you of the situation. In this scenario, you may need to modify the match rule properties or add additional match rules to successfully match a single target. For more information, see Control Children Match Rule.


Related information

Modifying Match Rule properties.

Add Additional Match Rules


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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