SAP GUI Windows and Forms

SAP client GUI application contains standard Win32 windows and SAP_Forms. When interrogating the application, you could see these windows in Object Explorer as follows.

Any SAP form has a window parent. This parent window could be either the SAP main window (denoted with class name SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION) or a pop-up window. If the parent window is a pop-up window, make sure to set the UnmatchOnHidden property for the window to True. This is required as SAP does not destroy pop-up windows when the are closed. Instead they are hidden. If the UnmatchOnHidden property is False, Studio will continue to match the hidden window.

Note: When interrogating the SAP main window (denoted with class name SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION), Studio uses the Window Text Match Rule and Window Class Match Rule. As you navigate through the application, the text for the SAP main window changes. This can cause a matching failure. As a best practice, delete the Window Text match rule from the SAP main window.


SAP Tab control matching

SAP Tab pages are matched using the Virtual Control ID match rule. This match rule uses SAP row and column values in Virtual ID string. When navigating between tabs in the SAP, GUI matching may fail if the row and column values of change. In this scenario, modify the match rule using a wildcard where the column value is displayed in the Virtual ID string.

Here is an example of modifying match rules for the Tab control.

During interrogation, the top container for the tab control has the following ID when on the Delivery/Invoice tab:

0014-NORMAL[19,0] {t:25 a:0 b:0 c:3/3 g:-1}

After navigating to the Conditions tab, the top container match rule information changes and the tab control no longer matches. The Virtual ID string for the top container is now:

0014-NORMAL[9,0] {t:25 a:0 b:0 c:3/3 g:-1}

Note the values immediately after NORMAL[. In the first instance, the row value is 19 and in the second it is 9. To ensure matching of the container no matter where it is displayed as the tabs are selected, modify the match rules as follows.

The values in bold indicate the part of the string that contains the row and column values. To resolve the issue, we changed the virtual control ID match rule mode to wildcard and text to "0014-NORMAL[*,0] {t:25 a:0 b:0 c:3/3 g:-1}". You need to make this change to each of the tab control ancestors.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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