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Running a deployed project

With Pega Robot Manager installed and configured, Robot Runtime packages are deployed to Pega Robot Manager. Downloads to individual desktops is also managed using Pega Robot Manager.

Runtime opens the deployment package from the location to which you copied the deployment package. Usually, the designer deploys the project to a location on their local machine and then copies the package to a location to which Runtime is directed. You can have Runtime load the project manually or automatically when Runtime starts. When the project is deployed, the Runtime configuration dictates whether the project loads manually or automatically.

The process Runtime uses to load the deployment package and run the project is described here:

  1. On initial load, the workstation user runs Runtime, either the user selects the project from a designated location (Manual Load Process) or the project automatically begins to load (Automatic Load Process).

  2. Runtime compares the current .manifest file to any existing .manifest files in the Extract Directory for the project. The Extract Directory is a folder location on the Runtime workstation specified in the RuntimeConfig.xml file.

  3. Runtime extracts the project files from the .openspan file into the Extract Directory. A subfolder is created for the project. The name of the folder is specified by the project ID (as listed in the .manifest). In addition, the manifest file for the deployment package is copied to the Extract Directory.

  4. Runtime loads the project by reading each project file, generating assemblies if required, and setting the data and event logic in the automations.

Each subsequent time the project is loaded, Runtime will compare the project version information contained in the deployment manifest with that in the local manifest (the manifest file located in the Extract directory). If the versions differ, Runtime extracts the files again from the deployment file and overwrites the contents of the Extract directory. This way, you can update the deployment package in one location and ensure that all Runtime workstations load the updated version.

Note: You can start Runtime and load a deployment package from the command line. Enter enclosed in quotation marks (") the full path to the Runtime program executable file, followed by a space, the command Project= and finally, also in quotation marks, the full path to the project deployment file: ”program executable path” Project=”data path”.

For example, given Runtime installed in the C:\Program Files\OpenSpan Runtime\ location, and the project located on: at DeployedProjects\Calc_Google.openspan, you would enter:

"c:\Program Files\Pegasystems\OpenSpan Runtime\OpenSpan.Runtime.exe Project="\\\DeployedProjects\Calc_Google.openspan"


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Local Folder Distribution

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Web Server Distribution


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Updated: 28 March 2024

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