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Configuring the Runtime Routing Service

The Runtime Routing Service directs communication between the Pega Platform applications and the Robot Runtime clients that are running in the same session. The Runtime Routing Service is included in build 19.1.98 and later and works with Pega Platform applications version 8.5 and later. For more information, see Runtime Routing Service.

To configure the Runtime Routing Service, make changes in the following configuration files:

File name

Located in


The Robot Runtime installation folder



Note:  The Runtime Routing Service also creates the RdaRouter.log file, which is also located in the C:\ProgramData\Pegasystems\RdaRouter folder. Use this log file to resolve any issues that might arise.

Changing the RuntimeConfig.xml file

Complete the following steps to configure the Runtime Routing Service in the RuntimeConfig.xml file:

  1. In the Robot Runtime installation folder, open the RuntimeConfig.xml file in a text editor. You can also edit the RuntimeConfig.xml file in Robot Manager and ensure that it is distributed to all needed users.
  2. In the Robotics section, set the useRouter key to True. 
  3. In the port key, specify the port that you want the Runtime Routing Service to monitor.
  4. Save your changes, and then close the text editor.

Changing the RdaRouter.config file

To configure the Runtime Routing Service in the RdaRouter.config file, complete the following steps:

  1. In the C:\ProgramData\Pegasystems\RdaRouter folder, open the RdaRouter.config file in a text editor.
  2. Optional: If the Runtime Routing Service uses SSL and requires access using HTTPS, in the LocalApiService section, in the SSL key, enter True.
  3. In the port key, specify the port that you want the Runtime Routing Service to monitor.
  4. In the runtimePortRangeStart key, enter the number of the first port in the range of ports that you want the Runtime Routing Service to use when communicating with the Robot Runtime clients.
  5. In the runtimePortRangeEnd key, enter the number of the last port in the range of ports that you want the Runtime Routing Service to use when communicating with the Robot Runtime clients.
  6. In the allowedOrigins key, specify the domains from which the Runtime Routing Service accepts requests from. You can specify a specific domain, a comma-delimited list of domains, or use wildcards, for example, *.pega.com.



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Updated: 01 July 2024

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