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Assisted Sign-on component overview

The Assisted Sign-On component is an easy‐to‐use Agile Desktop Innovation that works across non‐referenced projects as well as solutions and lets you quickly implement an assisted sign on, which reduces the amount of time required to sign into the applications Robot Runtime/Agile Desktop users work with every day.  For Runtime/Agile Desktop users, this means…

Used with the Start My Day innovation, this lets you get your Runtime/Agile Desktop users up and running quickly, efficiently and securely.

Note: You can configure the Assisted Sign-On component to prevent user IDs and passwords from being stored on the hard drive.

Implementing Assisted Sign-on

The implementation of Assisted Sign-On is easy, the basic steps involve creating an adapter, then interrogating the appropriate user ID and password fields, along with the login button. Use the Credential Collection Editor to set up Assisted Sign-On.

You can also group identical ID/password combinations for situations where the same sign-on information is used for multiple applications. This component can also help you handle situations where a user has multiple logins for a single application, such as for a web application.

Note: When you have Citrix mixed mode projects, if you have one adapter that is under the Citrix context and is configured with Assisted Sign-On and you have another adapter that is not under the Citrix context, you will get two Enter Credentials windows. One Enter Credentials window will appear for the applications under the Citrix context and one will appear for the applications that are not.

RuntimeConfig.xml file options

There are several Assisted Sign-On options you can set in the RuntimeConfig.xml file. These options let you specify whether the Enter Credentials window should appear when Runtime starts, and if passwords should be saved when credentials are saved. For more information, see RuntimeConfig.xml.

Note: If Runtime is running, the Enter Credentials window for Assisted Sign-On will not appear when you load a solution by right-clicking on the Runtime icon and selecting the option to load a project.


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Updated: 01 July 2024

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