Using Project References

Studio projects can reference other Studio projects and use the referenced project items. In addition, non-Studio  projects, such as .NET or C# applications, can reference Studio projects to use interrogated controls in integrated applications.

For example, a Studio project may have all of the necessary controls interrogated from a CRM windows application and you want to use some or all of the controls from the CRM application in your project. In this case, you create a solution which contains your main project and the project which contains the interrogated CRM application controls.  

For the main or StartUp project to use the controls within another Studio project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the project you want to reference to the solution.

  2. Build the reference project. For more information, see Project Properties.

  3. Add the project reference to the main project. vAdd Project Reference.

  4. Import project items from the referenced project. You can add types (adapters and interrogated controls) or you can import all project items (including automations). For more information, see Manage Imported Types and Projects.

Note: Studio does not support renaming assemblies. Once you add a reference to a project, you cannot rename the assembly or reference. The referenced assembly name must match the fully-pathed assembly file name.


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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