Link LogBefore/LogAfter Property

The LogBefore and LogAfter execution link properties enable you to set messages to be written to the users RuntimeLog.txt file. These messages are written before/after execution of a particular event link or transfer of data across a data link on an automation. To generate and view messages the Runtime Diagnostics - Application Diagnostics Settings Mode must be On and the File and/or Output Window Publisher Mode On. For more information, see Diagnostics Configuration.

Note: LogAfter inserts the message after the thread has completed.  In the log, you might see the LogBeforeExecution method occur right when the link is executed, but the LogAfterExecution message is displayed much later. This is because in terms of execution, The system executes LogBeforeExecution statements, the component, the rest of the thread, potentially other automations and then the LogAfterExecution message. The LogAfterExecution message does not appear until after the thread is terminated. This could be in the same automation or after a number of automations depending on the events on the thread.

To log link execution messages, select the link for which you want to enable messaging. These properties appear in the Properties window:

Enter the text for the message you want to log for the link execution.


Related information

Data and Execution Paths

RuntimeConfig.xml File


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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