Main Robotic Automation Configuration Files

Here are the main configuration files used by Pega Robotic Automation Studio and Runtime/Agile Desktop:

File Name




This file applies to both Studio and Runtime. The settings end users would alter are those in reference to SuperTrace and GDI hooking. If requested by Studio Support, SharedMemory and IdentifyMainThreadByStack settings can be changed. The openspan.ini file is located in the Application folder under the application installation folder.



This file applies to Studio. All settings in this file could be altered by end users. Functionality affected includes: diagnostics, deployment options, and log categories. The StudioConfig.xml file is initially installed in the Application folder under the OpenSpan application installation folder.

When a user runs Studio, a copy of the file modified with the user's settings is written to the Windows %LocalApplicationData% folder. Here is an example:

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\OpenSpan Studio for Visual Studio 2015


This file applies to Runtime. The only settings end users would alter are in the SplashScreen section and the ConfigurationFileDirectory key in the AppSettings section. This file is located in application installation folder.


This file applies to Agile Desktop. The only settings end users would alter are in the SplashScreen section. This file  is located in installation folder.



This file contains information necessary to connect to and work with Pega Robot Manager, Pega Workforce Intelligence, and the Deployment Portal (formerly Management Console). This cloud-based server product provides a simple way to manage the testing and implementation of the solutions you create with Studio and the system updates periodically distributed.


The interaction.xml file defines the contexts, activities, plug-ins that comprise the Agile Desktop implementation you are designing.

Typically, there will only be one, but you can define multiple interaction XML definition files.



This file applies to Runtime/Agile Desktop. This application is used when you start a project (with or without debugging) in Studio and it is also used when deployed Studio projects are run on Runtime desktops. Functionality defined by the RuntimeConfig settings include: diagnostics, deployment options, and log categories.


Related information

Configuration File Locations

Additional Configuration Files


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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