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Diagnostics configuration

Both Studio and Runtime/Agile Desktop provide diagnostic message publishing. To configure how diagnostic messages are published for Studio, access the Diagnostics settings from the Options window. Settings made in the Options dialog for Studio Diagnostics and Studio Diagnostics - Log Categories are stored in the user's StudioConfig.xml file, typically found in this directory:

C:\Users\user\My Documents\Pega Robot Studio\

When you start a project in Studio (click the Start Debugging button on the main tool bar or select Debug > Start Debugging), the project is run by the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe application installed along with Studio. To configure diagnostic messages are published from the runtime application, use the Runtime Diagnostics settings in the Options dialog in Studio. Settings made in the Options dialog under the Runtime Diagnostics and Runtime Diagnostics - Log Categories are stored in the user's RuntimeConfig.xml file, typically found in this directory:

C:\Users\user\My Documents\Pega Robot Studio\

This topic describes:


Enabling diagnostic message generation

To generate diagnostic messages for Studio and Runtime you must:

  1. Enable Application Diagnostics and Configure the Application Diagnostics options as described below.

  2. Select and configure the Publishers for the application diagnostic messages as described below.

  3. Select the logging categories and levels for each category. See the Log Categories topic for more information.

All of these tasks are completed through the Studio Diagnostics panes of the Options window.


Enabling and configuring application diagnostics

Note: The steps for enabling application diagnostic message generation are identical for Studio and Runtime.

To generate diagnostic information for Studio, select the Application Diagnostics Settings option under Available options and publishers in the Studio Diagnostics pane. These configurable properties apply:

Field Name



On or Off.  Set to On to enable diagnostic logging for Studio (or Runtime/Agile Desktop).


On or Off. The default is On. If you change this setting, you must restart the application for this change to take effect.

This enables a listener for standard debug messages. This setting applies to development use only.



On or Off. The default is On.

If set to On, this enables UnhandledExceptionHandlers for the main application domain. This feature shows the Final Curtain message if an error occurs that the system does not handle elsewhere in the code base. This also allows logging of the error to any available publisher. If this is disabled (Off) and such an error occurs, you would see a standard Microsoft window for an unhandled error and no log would occur of the error.

When set to On and an unhandled exception is encountered by Studio or Runtime/Agile Desktop, the exception information is written to the OpenSpan.Studio.exe.Exception.txt or OpenSpan.Runtime.exe.Exception.txt file.


On or Off. The default is On.

If set to On, this enables a diagnostic listener to the standard .NET trace messages, so any Studio publishers will get messages routed to system.diagnostic.trace(…) and include them in their log.  


This sets a logging level using a Microsoft TraceSwitch object. The TraceLevel sets the severity level for logging messages. The options are: off, then in increasing severity- verbose, info, warning, and error. The TraceLevel only applies to the start up messages in a diagnostic log such as when a publisher is initialized and the machine information is captured (machine name, version, and so on). All other messages use the severity set in the Log Categories.

The levels are:

0 - Off

1 - Error. This setting records error messages, indicating the application was not able to perform a task as expected. The application is, however, still running.

2 - Warning. This setting records both error and warning messages.

3 - Info. This setting records error, warning, and informational messages. It includes successful milestones of application execution, regardless of whether the application is working properly, and provides an overview of what happened.

4 - Verbose. This setting records error, warning, informational messages and verbose debugging output. This option generates a large number of messages and is not recommended when used with multiple trace source selections.


Diagnostics publishers

Studio provides the following diagnostic publishing options:

The contents or type of messages generated depend on the source (Studio, Runtime, build, and so on) and the error levels set by the Log Categories.

The StudioLog and/or RuntimeLog files can also capture the messages generated within the execution of automations through use of the DiagnosticsLog Component and link properties (see the Link LogBefore/LogAfter Property for more information). To see the DiagnosticsLog and/or the automation link messages, the File Publisher - Mode setting must be On and the Default Log Category setting must be set to something other than Off.

The File Publisher creates the log files in the user's application folder (such as C:\Users\username\My Documents\Pega Robot Studio). You can change the name of the file by editing the Diagnostics section of the StudioConfig.xml and/or RuntimeConfig.xml files. See the Studio Application Configuration Settings File and Runtime Application Configuration Settings File topics for more information.


Publisher properties

All of the publishers (File, Trace, and Output) have these configurable properties:

Field Name



On or Off. The default is Off. Set to On to use the publisher to output diagnostics messages. For the File Publisher, messages are output to text files. Similarly, for the Output Publisher, messages are sent to the application's Output window. For the Trace publisher, use the Tracing Options (under Options > OpenSpan) to set the type of output and the tracing source.


The corresponding publisher mode must be On for this setting to apply.

If set to On, the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from an exception source (HookException). Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Unhandled Exception setting. The default is On.


The corresponding publisher mode must be On for this setting to apply.

When set to On the publisher records log messages from diagnostic events that originate from a System.Diagnostic.Trace source. Note that this setting is not related to the Hook Trace setting. The default is On.


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Updated: 28 March 2024

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